‹ Prequel: Brand New Start
Sequel: Beautiful Remains

An Unbreakable Bond

Chase/Angel -Point of View-

"Are you sure this is what you want Mr.Valeno?" My lawyer asked me over the phone. I curled my legs under my body as I nodded before answering,remembering I was on the phone.

"Y-Yes...I can't handle it anymore...he went to far this time.." I said,touching the black eye he had given me..cheating...I can't believe he thought I would actually cheat on him..after everything. My lawyers voice broke me from my thoughts.

"I'll have to have you two do a month of marrage sessions before I can start the divorce proceeding..its mandatory" he said before hanging up the phone. I set my phone down,staring at the T.V.

"M-Mom...will you come and eat please" I heard my son Angel speak from the kitchen,his voice was worried and fearful. I stood and walked into the kitchen,taking the food he made for me. I nodded my thanks before curling back up on the couch,slowly eating the food.

Once I finished my food,I set the plate down and pulled my knees to my chest,staring at my phone before I called Dean,getting the machine.

"D-Dean...I wanted you to know I umm..I filed for divorce..we have to do a month of thrapy before its final..bye" I spoke before hanging up the phone and falling into a restless,heartbroken and shattered sleep.

Angel P.O.V

I stood in the kitchen,watching my mother sleep on the couch,that black eye seemed to get darker..I couldn't believe dad hit him..it was heartbreaking. I moved around restlessly,waiting for Greg to get home..I was getting worried.

I heard the door open and watched as Greg walked into the house,closing the door. When he looked at me, I placed a finger to my mouth then pointed at mom. Greg looked at our mom then back at me,nodding his head as he walked down the hall to our bedroom.

I left the kitchen and walked into the bedroom with him "Wh-What happened?" I asked softly,closing the door. Greg sat down on the bed,sighing as he told me everything that had happened.

"What will we do Greg?" I asked,sitting down beside him,holding his hand tightly "It hurts so much..seeing mom like this..." I whispered,tears filling my eyes. Greg wrapped his arms around me tightly.

" I don't know love...we can only hope everything gets better for them.." He whispered as he rubbed my back. I broke down into sobs,burrying my face into his chest.