‹ Prequel: Brand New Start
Sequel: Beautiful Remains

An Unbreakable Bond

Chase -Point of View-

Once Angel and Greg made up, I turned and ran inside and up stairs to my bedroom, rummaging around until I found it -- the keys to the lodge. I ran back out to everyone "Greg! Angel!" I exclaimed, causing them to turn and look at me as I came to a stop in front of them, holding up the keys to the lodge.

"The lodge can be yours -- on one condition" I said, causing them to nod. "I want a phone call everyday and you two better visit and I want you two to keep working." I noticed Dean giving me a weird look but ignored it. "Do you guys want a place of your own at the lodge or stay here with us?" I asked. Greg and Angel looked at each other,thinking before looking back at me.

"The lodge. We've always wanted a place to call our own" Angel said, smiling.

I nodded and handed them the keys. "If -- at any point -- something happens between you two, you're to come back here." I said sternly, causing them to nod and giving me a hug.

They hugged Dean tightly before running into the house. I looked at Dean "I know ... Angel just got home, but Dean, look, they're almost eighteen. I want them to see what its like to be on their own. They both have jobs and cars, they're a great couple -- much like us. They depend on the other to make it through each day." I said before he could speak. Dean nodded and gave me a tight hug and kissing me deeply.

I smiled and returned the kiss happily. "I can't believe you can see again baby. I love being able to see your beautiful eyes again." Dean said, happily. I smiled brightly.

"I love being able to see you period. I missed your smile, your eyes ... everything." I said, crying again. Dean smiled and pulled me into the house and up to the bedroom, gently pushing me against the closed door and kissing me passionately again.

I groaned and kissed him back, moving my hips against his, moaning.I was so happy now. I could finally see my husband when we made love and I knew ... it was going to be the hottest and passionate.