‹ Prequel: Brand New Start
Sequel: Beautiful Remains

An Unbreakable Bond

Chase -Point of View-

I bit my lip as I stood there..thinking about everything. Even though Dean and I have fought..he's always..always came to my rescue when I was in danger..he's never let me down in that way. I knew couples fought..I watched my parents do it for years.

I took a deep breath before walking up to Dean,cupping his face,tilting our heads as I pressed my lips to his,closing my eyes. Dean kissed me back,wrapping his arms around my waist. At his touch, I bursted into tears as I kissed him.

"Dean...Dean I'm sorry..i'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you" I cried into the kiss. Dean pushed me away gently,tears streaming down his face as he cupped my face in his hands,causing me to look up at him.

"Don't..Don't you dare apologize..this is all my fault..if I hadn't jumped conclusions and thought you were cheating on me..this would have never happened..I would have never hit you...Chase please...please give me one more chance" he begged "I swear to god I'll do better this time...I can't live without you..your my everything" he cried,grasping my hands tightly in his.

I stared at him for a long moment..should I give him another chance or should I kick him out,move on and never be truly happy? I thought as I looked deeply into his blue eyes.

"Do you regret...do you regret ever marrying me Dean?" I asked softly..I needed to know. Dean's eyes widened in shock at my question and he started shaking his head.

"NO! never! I've never regretted marrying you! we have seven amazing kids Chase! a huge family" he said. I thought for a bit more before speaking quietly.

"I'll take you back Dean...but we need to work through our problems while we do this..we're a couple with family who depends on us" I told him,leaning my head onto his chest "Please...Please don't make me regret taking you back...don't shatter my heart again...I don't think I can take it a third time.." I whispered