‹ Prequel: Brand New Start
Sequel: Beautiful Remains

An Unbreakable Bond

Dean -Point of View-

I moaned as I grabbed Chase's ass, kissing him deeper. When he was temporarily blind for the last couple of years, the sex just wasn't the same. I missed the love in his eyes as he looked at me, how he moved expertly and kept me on my toes. I knew that since he had his sight back, this was going to be better than I have ever experienced with him before.

As I eased us on the bed -- never breaking the kiss -- Chase ran his hands down my chest, around the rim of my pants, and then landing on my shaft -- which was already hardened. As he started working on my button and zipper, there was a light knock on the door. "Mommy? Daddy?" It was Aurianna. I pulled away and let out a sigh.

"Yes, sweetheart," I called, looking toward the door as it opened. Aurianna came in and ran towards the bed. Once she got to the edge, she looked up at Chase and I.

"Can Uncle Fred cook me something to eat?" she asked, tilting her head to the side a little. I looked down at Chase for a moment, needing to get an answer from him. He looked over at Aurianna and smiled warmly.

"Of course, baby. Just tell him that if he burns anything in the kitchen -- including the food -- I'm gonna kick his butt," Chase said, slightly stroking my biological daughter's face. She instantly brightened and nodded, running out the door and closing it behind her. Chase looked back up at me for a moment, raising an eyebrow. "Now," he said, finally finishing up his work with my pants, "where were we?" I smirked and kissed his deeply and passionately as his hand worked on my shaft.

Time Elapse

I woke up when I felt someone shaking me rather intensely. I looked up with partially clear eyes and saw Angel. The look on his face woke me up completely. I swung my legs off the bed and stood up. "What's going on?" Angel looked as if he was trying to find his voice. If something was wrong with Greg, I was going to flip. "Angel, tell me what's wrong," I said, gripping his shoulders.

He looked up at me, his eyes screaming with fear. "Greg is missing. We went to the lodge and was talking about how we were going to furnish it," he started, taking a deep breath. "Can we go to our old room?" he asked. I nodded and walked toward the door. Angel went out first and I glanced back at Chase, who was still out. I sighed, knowing he would have to find out sooner or later.

"Angel, it okay if I wake Chase up? I think he'd like to know as well," I said, causing Angel to look back at me for a moment, then nod. I walked back over to the bed and shook Chase until he woke up. "Baby, Angel is here. He's got some news on Greg that I think you should hear about," I whispered, causing Chase to jump out of bed and run out the door and towards the stairs. "Chase! In here!" I said, nodding towards Angel and Greg's old room.

I walked in with Chase right behind me. Chase locked the door behind him and climbed the ladder up to where Angel was sitting. I climbed the ladder and just stood on it, there was limited room where they were at and I was very claustrophobic. "What's going on?" Chase asked gently but urgently.

"Like I told Dad, we were at the lodge discussing on how to furnish the house. I had walked outside -- to get familiar with the surroundings and all," Angel said, fiddling with his hands. "I saw a Great Grey Owl and was following him, too awed to worry about anything else at the moment."

"Specs," Chase and I said, looking at each other. I wanted to smile but knew that this was no time to smile.

"Anyways, after about twenty minutes or so, the owl was out of sight and I decided to head back to the lodge. I ran inside to tell Greg about it, but he wasn't sitting on the counter like he was when I left," Angel continued, looking Chase and I in the eyes. "I figured he was either checking out the rest of the rooms. Then I realized it was all to quiet. I walked out the front door and called for him, but no response."

Chase wrapped his arms around Angel's neck, letting Angel curl up in his arms as comfortably as possible. "Then I realized that someone must've came in and grabbed him while I wasn't around. I know because of this," Angel said, pulling out a piece of paper.

I grabbed it from him and nearly fell off of the ladder.

You want to see your brother again, we'll bet. Well, he's tied up and on his way to ... well, our place. Kill the previous owners or you're brother will be killed.

I gulped as I looked at Angel, knowing he would rather kill himself for his brother's safety than kill us. "Come on. We got to get working on how to get him back," I said, taking a deep breath as I stared at my freaked out and crying son.