‹ Prequel: Brand New Start
Sequel: Beautiful Remains

An Unbreakable Bond

Angel -Point of View-

Before we did anything else, we were walking around town, showing people a picture of Greg, hoping that the next person may know of his whereabouts. After what seemed like eternity, there was no such luck.

I sat on a bench near a cafe and placed my head in my hands. "Don't worry, Angel. We'll find him," Fred said, wrapping his arms around me. I leaned into him and started to cry. So bad I want to hug my brother ... kiss my brother ... just see his face again. It's been far too long since I was able to curl up against him and just talk ... just listen ... fall asleep to his heartbeat.

I wiped my tears and pulled away, looking around, looking for any clues that might lead to finding him. I then saw a car I hoped I'd never see again as long as I lived. It was about four miles away and on a hill, but even from here, I could recognize it. "I know where he's at," I said, standing up instantly.

"How do you know?" Dean said, looking at me. "How could you possibly--" he stopped and looked to where I was gazing. "Old man Masterson's? He seemed--- Oh shit, that's your father?" he exclaimed, causing me to wince and then nod. "Mary, mother of God," he said under his breath. "Pile in guys. We're about to raid and possibly kill."

Everyone piled in the cars and took off as if hell were on our heels. It was time now to get back my brother and my revenge.

Time Elapse

We parked about a quarter mile away from the house so we wouldn't draw attention to ourselves. I walked forward, Dean and Chase on either side of me, the rest of the guys filing around us in the back. Dean, Geoff and Hunter all had AK-47's in their grasps, and from what they told me there was only a handful of rounds in them. Where they got them I had no clue and at the moment, I didn't care.

I had them wait at the bottom of the stairs so I could check the hinges and everything. As I suspected, one good, hard kick could bring it down easily. I gathered up all my anger -- all my rage -- and backed up a little before delivering a kick. The door caved in and I ran inside and up the stairs, knowing that Greg would be in our old room.

I heard raised voices and then a loud thwack as if someone had just slapped someone. If anyone has laid a hand on Greg, I wasn't going to resist killing someone. I crept slowly, not wanting to make any floorboards creak and give any indications to my dad and whoever else had kidnapped Greg that I -- as well as eight other people -- were here.

I tried the knob -- of course it was locked. Pulling out the key for the door -- I don't know why I kept it, but now I am glad I did -- and stuck it in, unlocking the door and opening it. It slammed against the wall and caused my dad and his companion -- or who I thought might be his companion -- to look up in shock.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my other soon, Angel--"

"Shut the fuck up you piece of shit," I said, cutting him off and causing his lover to glare at me. The other man walked over to me and raised his hand to hit me and I grabbed it, pulling him towards me and head-butting him, causing him to fall in pain. "Let him go, or I'll let the others have their fun," I said, staring at my biological father.

"Then the fun wouldn't be started if I did that," he said, standing up and walking over to where Greg was -- who I now noticed was crying. He never cried -- not unless he had a real reason to. "If you want me to release him --"

"DO IT!" I roared, causing Dean, Geoff and Hunter to walk in, their guns pointed at my dad. Hunter's was pointed at my dad's friend, who was whimpering still from the blow I gave him. The others swarmed in around me and took stance.

"Awe. Look at your little friends," my father said, which caused people to step out of the dark corners. "I was prepared, my dear boy. You can't outsmart me, you should know that," he said, smiling.

I put my fingers to my lips and let out a piercing whistle, causing everyone except my group to flinch from the sound. The other kids around my age that were at the foster home came through the windows as well as the door behind me. "I'm smarter than you think, asshole," I retorted, a psychotic smile on my face.
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sounds like something out of a movie or show, right?
oh well, it was either this or something far more cheesy xD