‹ Prequel: Brand New Start
Sequel: Beautiful Remains

An Unbreakable Bond

Chase -Point of View-

I ran over to Greg as quickly as I could,untieing him and standing him up " Don't talk, just run" I said as I pushed him towards the door, I looked at Dean,tears in my eyes before running after my son,letting the guys do what was needed, I couldn't be there...I couldn't watch them get hurt.

I followed Greg all the way out to the car before pulling him into my arms "Thank god your alive" I finally said,releasing the tears that had built up over time. I felt Greg wrap his arms around me tightly.

After what seemed like hours, I looked up and saw everyone walking down the road, Greg and I jumped up and started running towards them, I watched Dean hand the gun over before running towards me. I cried happily as I jumped into his arms,just as Angel jumped into Greg's. "Thank god.. I was so worried" I cried as I kissed Dean over and over again.

"I'm fine baby..but we should leave before the cops get here..." he said. I nodded and kissed him three more times before running with everyone back to the car,we all piled in and drove back home, I looked over and Greg and Angel,smiling at them.

Time Jump

I sat on my bed,thinking about something when I got an idea..something I remember hearing Dean mention one night while talking with the guys. I smiled and quickly grabbed my keys before running out of the house,telling everyone I'd be back later.

I started my car and revved out of the driveway and back into town to a piercing shop. I pulled into the back and parked my car,locking it before walking inside. I looked around at the tattoos,finding what I wanted before walking up to one of the guys "What can I do you for this afternoon?" he asked,gazing at me.

I smiled and told him the tattoo I wanted along with the piercings I wanted as well,earning a weird look from him before he shrugged and took me back into the room.

He pulled everything out and told me what to do. I smiled and pulled down my pants and sat like I was told as the man got to work... I wonder what Dean will think when he sees this... I thought as the guy worked, I tried not to flinch or make noise as he worked.

After a hour or two he finished and got to work on my tattoo which was a bit easier to handle thankfully. "Alright man..your done...come up front and i'll tell ya the price for everything" he said after giving me info on how to take care of everything.

I nodded and followed him up front and handed him my card,smiling as he totaled everything up. Once he finished,he gave me my card back and I turned and left,driving back home before Dean got back from whatever he was doing.

Time Jump

Once I reached the house, I made my way upstairs to the bedroom. I closed the door and pulled my cloths off before making my way onto the bed. I laid on my back and made sure my member was hard,proudly showing off the Jacob's ladder and Prince Albert I had gotten done.

I listened and smiled when I heard Dean come up stairs then the door open "Chase are you---Oh my god" I heard him say as he laid eyes on me,his blue eyes going wide and I swear I could see him drooling at that moment.