Status: One-shot; Completed

I'm Sick of All of These Stupid so Called Fans

Paul Kevin Jonas II

I was scanning through images on photobucket when I saw one that said, 'I <3 The Jonas Brothers. Joe + Nick = <3 [Fuck Kevin.]' I immediately started crying. I had heard and seen people say things about how Kevin didn't get as much attention as his brothers and that he wasn't as cute as his brothers before. Especially lately. But this was the final straw. The Jonas Brothers are Nick, Joe, AND Kevin. Nick and Joe by themselves are just Nick and Joe Jonas. There is no Jonas BROTHERS without Kevin! When have you EVER seen the Jonas Brothers without Kevin? Seriously. Think about it. Everywhere they go and in every band picture they are together. The only time you don't see them together is when they are in separate pictures for posters and such.

You see, I'm a die hard fan of the Jonas Brothers. Posters all over my room, every song on my Ipod, watching videos of them on YouTube all day long. But there's something about me that makes me different than all the other fans. I, Amelia Nicole Fleming, am the best friend of Paul Kevin Jonas II. Always have been, always will be.

You see, my parents and his parents went to high school together. They went to college together, moved in next to each other, and eventually got pregnant at the same time. They went to Lamaze classes together, painted and decorated nurseries together, and practically planned our lives for us. They hoped we would grow up to be best friends. He was born two days before me and when we got out of the hospital our parents brought us back to his house and we had a big welcome home party for the both of us.

We grew up going through and doing absolutely everything imaginable together. Potty training, learning our ABC'S and 123's, learning how to write, spell, walk, and talk. We went through our teenage years going through first crushes, first kisses, first relationships. Pretty much everything.

I could tell him everything. Except one thing. What's that, you may ask? Nothing big. Just that fact that ever since I turned 12 I got nervous around him, got butterflies in my stomach, and couldn't think straight. As we grew older, the feelings grew. Suddenly I couldn't stop thinking about him. About how cute he was, about how sweet he was. And especially how funny he was. I always wanted a guy who could make me laugh. When I turned 16, I finally realized the truth: I was in love with my best friend.

He grew up loving music so it wasn't a surprise when he started a band with his brothers. But you can imagine my shock when they got signed. I was happy, so happy, for him. Yet I was extremely sad because I was going to lose my best friend.

I remember the day he left like it was yesterday. He took me aside and said, "Amelia. We have had so many great times together and we have made so many memories. We've been through everything together. So don't worry. We will make it through this. I will call you every night. I promise. We can write to each other. Now look at me." I did as I was told and looked into his beautiful hazel eyes. "I will never forget you. And mark my word, I will be back and we will see each other again."

I cried and gave him one last hug, savoring it with every ounce of my body. I knew he would keep his promise. He would never let me down.

So here I am, 3 years later, and truth be told, he didn't break his promise. But after I saw that, I knew I had to tell him how I felt. I walked out of my room and up to my mom.

"Mom? Can you come see this?"

She followed me into my room and I showed her the picture. She turned to me and said, "Honey. I think you know what you need to do. I've known since forever. And I'm willing to pay for you to go there."

"Oh mom." I cried on her shoulder. Then I packed my bags and got on that airplane to go see him.

When I got to where he was I went up to the security guard.

"Excuse me. My name is Amelia Fleming and I'm here to see Kevin."

"Hold on one second miss." He told me. "Hello. I have a Miss Amelia Fleming here. May I send her in?"

"Yes. She's here for Kevin, right?"


"Send her in." He unlocked the gate and let me in.

When I got in there I realized that Kevin and his brothers were having a meet and greet. I stood back and waited for them to finish.

As I stood there watching them a girl came up and told Kevin to get out of the picture because he was ugly.

I started to run over to the girl to tell her off, but a guard held me back. Another guard calmly told the girl that she could either take the picture with all of them or not take the picture at all.

She looked at the guard and said, "Whatever." She took a picture with all of them. "I'll just edit him out of it later." The guards took her away.

Kevin then saw me and asked if they could have a break. They said yes and he walked over to me.

"Hey! Amelia! What's wrong?"

"I was looking on the internet and I saw a picture that said 'I <3 The Jonas Brothers. Joe + Nick = <3 [Fuck Kevin.]' and I just wanted to come see you. So then I come here and that girl, ugh that girl, she made me so mad."

"'s okay." He said, trying to calm me.

"No! It's not okay! I know you were at least a little hurt by that."

"Yeah, but just a little. And it's okay."

"No, it's not." I said. "You're my best friend and I don't want to see you hurt. You don't deserve it. Besides, I came here to tell you something."


"You, Paul Kevin Jonas II, are so amazing. You cheer me up when I'm down and you make me look at the bright side of things. You make me smile without even saying anything and you make me laugh even when I want to cry. Don't listen to people like that. You are beautiful, inside and out. I could go on and on about how happy you make me, but to sum it up, I, Amelia Nicole Fleming, am madly in love with you."

He looked at me and then smiled. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. I wrapped my hands around his neck. He lowered his head until his lips were an inch away from mine and said, "I love you too." He closed the gap between us and at that moment my whole world stopped. The sparks were magical. I could feel his touch from my head to my toes. Everything around me blurred. I was stuck in this moment and all that mattered was him.

When he pulled away he looked at me and said, "Amelia, we have been through everything together. Every second I spent with you was the best second of my life. When I'm with you I don't want the moment to end, and when I'm not with you I miss you like hell. I don't care if we are in front of hundreds of fans or that we're in front of my whole family, I just need you to know that I am so in love with you too."

I smiled with tears rolling down my face. I turned my face up towards his and we shared another memorable kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Firstly, I would like to thank XxSoulja_GrlxX for unknowingly giving me this idea. A few quotes from her journal entry on this subject were used in this story. So full credit goes to her for those.

Secondly, the thoughts expressed in this story are my personal opinions. Please respect that I have the right to express them. And I am personally sorry if I offended any of you.
