Status: One of many (meaning slow updates)

Sing It From The Heart

“Alright children, the lights are out and the party’s over. It’s time for me, Doctor D, to start running and say goodbye for a little while. And I know you’re gonna miss me, so I’ll leave you with this: you know that big ball of radiation we call the sun? It’ll burst you into flames if you stay in one place too long, that is if the static don’t get you first. So remember, even if you’re dusted, you may be gone, but out here in the desert your shadow lives on without you. This is Doctor Death Defying, signing off,” suddenly the sound of the American Anthem broke the deafening silence and those outlaws listening fell asleep to the sound of the freedom they fought for.

© Copyright

Disclamer: This is my story (and I’m pretty sure I didn’t copy off if someone if I did then I probably haven’t read that persons story) it was written a long time ago, and then some major changes went on and I haven't had the chance to post it for a while since I have a load of GCSE exams this year meaning revision...lots of it.
I only own the characters you do not recognise.
  1. Gather Round For A Story