Wake Me Up

The Start of It All

Andrea and Jade started to become close friends and Jade's mother didn't like it at all. Her mother claimed that Andrea was work of the devil, and that Jade deserved a better friend than Andrea and that she was just selling herself short. Jade and her mother had countless fights every night. Jade's mother had just lost her job and blamed it on Jade. Jade's father left when she was three years old, and her mother never recoverd from the fact that she was all alone.

Jade was a great student with a 3.8 GPA. You would think that it would have been enough for her mother to appreciate her and to not treat her and emotionally beat her the way she did. Her mother just wanted her to be perfect in everyone's eyes.

Jade should have had the warning on her body of "contents under pressure, could explode at any time." She always felt as though she should be perfect, but she loved the lifestyle of a goth, she didn't mind the stares and whispers, and Andrea was always beside her as they walked down the school halls, which always made it easier.

Andrea started to wonder what it would be like, walking down the halls alone. What would it be like locked up in a hell that she couldn't escape all by herslef. She didn't know what would happen to her when she went to school. She didn't want to go back to school and show her face, because she knew tht everyone would blame her death on her. It honestly wasn't her fault.

The truth was that Jade had two loves in her life; Jacob and the guitar.

She started playing the guitar when she was 9 and she was forced to play classical, nothing that really interested her. She started lessons with this slightly off-centered woman named Jackie. She had brown hair like Ray Torro's, except not as full and longer. Jackie was very into Willie Nelson, Journey, and the Eagles. Basically this was not an enjoyable experiance for Jade. After two years of lessons with Jackie, Jackie decided to retire. In this Jade had to find a new teacher. Then she found Robert at some Music and Arts center that had a bitchy manager. She thought that Robert was really cute and he was in a really good rock band that was begining to get its start. Robert liked Nirvana, My Chemical Romance, and Hedley, so lessons from him were fun. Their lessons were always filled with laughs, and after 2 1/2 years with Robert she had became an excelent guitarist. Then Robert left for New York with his band for what was going to be a month, but he never came back. To this day no one knows what happened to him.

After this she kinda just gave up on guitar for about 2 years, than someone persuaded her to be in a band. She started playing again and was getting better and was happy. For her 13th birthday, her mother gave Jade her father's acoustic guitar. It was a shitty epiphone, but had more meaning than the other guitar she had. The other one was one she won in a raffle that was pre-owned. She didn't really respect her father but the guitar made her feel closer to him, which gave her this feeling of euphoria.

Then came her second love Jacob......