Shards of Glass


I sit in the police office, the one I remember spending a whole night in. It is almost home and it feels safe, especially because Officer Fredrick and Officer Johnson are in that room. They were the two people who saved me from that horrible, horrible place.

Officer Fredrick is a thirty-something year old man with a kind smile and a strong arm. He carried me down three flights of stairs, all the while, shooting at the man that tried to kill me.

Officer Johnson is a twenty-nine year old woman with a badass exterior and a soft side for only certain people. I was one of those people. To other people, she may look like an emotionless police officer slash assassin, but she was kind and she helped me through those twenty-four hours when no one knew what would happen next.

Those two police officers would always be my heroes. They would always be in my heart and I had no way to repay them.

They both are sitting before me, looking at me with expression of compassion and anxiety. Anna, Officer Johnson, looks ready to jump up at any time, but is still composed. Her hands are folded in her lap, while she sits ramrod straight.

Officer Fredrick looks more relaxed, laughing with my mother as we wait for their boss to come in and tells us what’s going on. I bounce my leg up and down anxiously.

“Please stop. It’s going to be okay,” Anna says, looking at me with a calm expression.

“What if he’s coming back for me?” I whisper. I remember him perfectly. He had been only about thirty-five, with a stubbly chin and a scar cutting across the left side of his mouth. His eyes were deep brown, almost black. His hair was brown, simply brown. He looked pretty ordinary, but he wasn’t.

And now his image is imprinted into my mind forever. Never will he leave my mind completely and totally.

“Oh, you’ll be fine, dear,” Anna whispers to me. She puts her hand on mine. “We’ll protect you,” she reassures. I am not all that reassured, remembering those two weeks of hell. Yes, she is strong and she saved me once, but again? What are the chances of that?

Detective Rodriguez steps in the door, with a somber look on his face. He doesn’t say anything as he takes a seat next to us and looks at each one of us.

“He sent this to your address,” he told us, dropping an envelope in my lap. I take it with shaking hand, knowing those same hands that had hurt me had touched it. I pull out a small piece of thick paper and read what it written.

Well, Princess, see you soon

I shivered when I recognized his sick nickname for me. I read the next three words a few times to truly comprehend them. He is coming back for me. He won’t give up until death stops him. I dropped the letter and stares at the empty space in front of me, while Anna took the note, read it and then passed it along.

When everyone read the note, there was a moment of silence as we all processed this.

“We’re putting you in the protective custody of Officers Fredrick and Johnson. They will be watching your house and accompanying you out,” He says. I nod my head.

“What am I supposed to tell people?” I ask. The detective looks at me and sighs. He doesn’t seem to know the answer.

“That you’re under protective custody. That’s it,” Anna says from next to me. I look over at her and know that’s what I have do to.

“Alright, Miss Sage, be careful. Talk to Officers Johnson and Fredrick before you make any plans and be sure to tell them if you see anything suspicion. And if you see him, you have to get to Johnson and Fredrick as soon as you can,” he says with a grave look. I nod my head and close my eyes, almost trying to block out this nightmare.

“C’mon, dear,” My mom says, taking my arm and helping me up. I look down at my arm and see the small scabs healing over from those two weeks. I close my eyes and rub my hand over my arm, feeling the rough scabs under my palm.

Anna and Garrett walk behind us as we walk out of the police building and head into the world that had hurt me once before. I am so terrified that this world will hurt me again. My mother and I get into her small Volvo and head home, with Anna and Garrett in an unmarked police car behind us. It hardly made me feel any safer. I went through every scenario in my mind that could happen, all ending with me dying by the hand of the man that I am terrified to even remember.