Status: Currently updating & fixing it. Trying to make it a lot better so there will be a LOT of changes(:


"Georg, I don't think leaving is a very good idea for me. Being able to spend time with you every day is a wonderful dream, believe me, I would love to leave but-"

"No, look! Imagine what life would be like for you, for the both of us if you no longer lived in this place."

Hope, happiness and excitement were the three things Amy had thought she would see in his eyes, on his face; to hear in his voice but to her dismay what she found only added to her confusion and worry.

Amy's emerald green orbs never left Georg's face. He was hiding something, clearly not wanting his only sister to know what was on his mind and bothering him to the core. But why wouldn't he tell her? Why keep things from her? Georg had never kept anything from her no matter what it was. Oddly enough, they shared anything and everything with one another, they never left each other in the dark. Lately Georg had been doing just that.

Clearly something was going on. It was that obvious. Georg may not want to tell Amy what is really going on, but he better believe that she will find out. It's the tone he uses, the look on his face, his body movements and the look in his eyes that gives it all away. Amy has always been able to read Georg so easily; it's almost like a senior in high school reading a children's book. It only takes minutes, seconds even.

Georg lightly placed his right hand on her left shoulder. The sudden skin on skin contact made Amy slightly jolt in surprise. She still wasn't used to physical contact from others, not even her own brother.

"Amy," his voice was soft and at a quiet whisper as he started. "I came all this way to get you out of here, to live with me and my friends, my brothers in a spacious mansion. It's sudden of me to ask and I know I'm wrong for not coming to visit you for five years but let me make this up to you by taking care of you until you no longer need it." His words may have been soft, at a whisper even but no one could miss how urgently he said them.

Amy searched his eyes, scanned his face, pieced it all together from the very beginning of his visit.

Desperation. Hope. Worry. Sorrow. Fear. She named them all off one by one only making her confusion grow more and her worry slowly graduate to fear along with him.

A random surprise visit with friends I have never seen before, you're keeping things from me, there's a side of you I have never seen in my life until now.. Georg..

The sound of the door behind her clicking out of its lock made her heart race. There was a churning feeling in the pit of her stomach that twisted and churned every time the sudden footsteps behind her got closer. Fear made itself obvious on her face and it was clear to Georg that he had made a horrible mistake. This mistake he couldn't go back and fix like all the others he made in his life. Seeing his sister standing in front of him in complete fear instantly filled him with guilt, horrible guilt he would have to live with for the rest of his life.

Their footsteps stopped and the room was suddenly ear piercing quiet. Her heart was on overdrive pumping nothing but anxiety mixed blood through all her veins and over again. Her eyes had never left Georg's face, they never left his eyes but his eyes left hers.

Georg looked up from Amy's searching eyes and planted them on the mystery person behind her. Without looking away from whoever he was staring at, Georg gave a short nod, of course letting them know "Okay."

..Georg.. What on Earth is going on? What's happened to you?
  1. Hysterical Cries and Creepy Grins
    Surprise visit. . .