Status: On hiatus. I have like, HUGE writers block for this, won't be deleted, I just won't update in a while. Sorry! Don't hate me!

Only in My Nightmares


Bill scrolled down to the next page and clicked a link.
“What are you doing?” Tom asked me.
“Googling Katrin.”
He rolled his eyes but looked over his brother’s shoulder at the screen anyway.
“Tom, go away. You’re breathing on my neck.”
Tom ignored him. “Is this her Wikipedia page?”
It was exceptionally barren, the only real information Bill got was that she lived in Berlin (which Katrin already told him in the bathroom) and her middle name was Mary.
Tom pointed to the screen, “There – it says her band.”
‘Radio City’ was underlined and blue, Bill tapped it. The link led to a much bigger Wikipedia page. There was a photo of Katrin and Gray, with two other boys he didn’t recognize. Bill assumed they were her other band mates.
“They’re popular in Europe, but not really anywhere else….”
“Go to YouTube.” Tom said, but was already leaning over him and typing into the laptop.
They searched her band – with millions of results. Bill couldn’t believe they were so popular – he had never heard of them! They were an extremely famous German band, and Bill was (an extremely famous) German. He felt like he should have heard of her, of them.
Bill clicked on a live show in Rennes. It was a home video, the lighting sucked, and he could hardly see her, but it was fine.
“Bonjour Rennes!” She yelled into the mic. The croud screamed in response. “C'est génial d'être ici ce soir, nous sommes tous très excités! Nousavons ce soir un grand spectacle, profitez-en!”
Bill watched, eyes glued to the screen, as she jumped and hopped all over the stage. She flipped her hair and let the audience sing. He was mesmerized.
“Her dancing skills are about as good as yours.” Tom muttered.
Bill ignored him.
As he watched her, watched her sing and dance, an idea popped into his head. His eyes lit up, and a plan started to form. It had to work. It was perfect.
Bill jumped up and threw the laptop onto the couch.
“Bill, where are you going?” Tom yelled after him. Bill grabbed his jacket and ran out the door, before turning back and yelling:
“I have to talk to Jost!”
The door slammed shut, and Tom took Bill’s place on the sofa. He shook his head at this twin’s antics.
What was he up to now?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh! What is he up to?
Sorry that it's short...each chapter counts.
Ok, big news: I have my Katrin.
I've had this story idea in my head for months, so I went to Google and tried to find a good Katrin...and I found Abbey Lee. She won Australia's Next Top Model, and I love her. I caught the Kershaw bug, because...I love her. But it's actually important that it be her because Abbey's career comes into play in the yep. Here's a link:
Go look at it. Every time I update, I'll post a link to a pic of Abbey.
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