Status: On hiatus. I have like, HUGE writers block for this, won't be deleted, I just won't update in a while. Sorry! Don't hate me!

Only in My Nightmares


Take me on a trip, I'd like to go some day.
Take me to New York, I'd love to see LA.
I really want to come kick it with you.
You'll be my American Boy.

Would you be my love, my love.
Could be mine would you be my love my love, could be mine
Could you be my love, my love.
Would you be my American Boy. American Boy

- Estelle, American Boy

Katrin rolled over and groaned as the phone ringed obnoxiously by her ear. After letting it ring for a bit, she figured she had to answer it (after all, what if it was an emergency?).
She fumbled around for the phone and clumsily pressed ‘talk’. “Whaaat?” she whined.
“Well, good morning sunshine.”
“Gray, why are you calling me at,” she craned her head and squinted at the clock, “seven A.M.? Seriously Gray, we went out last night.”
“Hey, don’t get mad at me. I’m just as tired as you are.”
“But you’re so perky.” Katrin’s head sunk back into her soft pillow. So soft.
“I’m not – never mind. Rob wants a meeting with the band.”
“A meeting? Now?”
“Yeah. We’re gonna get a cab together.”
Kat sat up on the side of her bed and rubbed her eyes. “That seems fine. Should I make you a pot?”
“Nah. I’ll grab you some at Starbucks.”
“Kay, you know what I like.”
“Yep, see you in an hour.”
Kat groaned and fell back into her bed, then screamed into the pillow.
Guten Morgen.

“Hey, Kat, you ready?”
She ran to the door and pressed the intercom. “One sec, I’ll buzz you in.”
She flitted around the apartment, finishing her makeup and tying back her hair.
“Kat?” Gray called out as he reached her apartment. “I come bearing coffee!”
“Ooh, yum.” She snatched the drink and took a sip. “Oh, sweet caffeine.” Katrin smacked her lips.
Gray walked over to the couch and flicked the moth-infested brown afghan. The whole apartment was ridden with aged furniture, stacks of old newspapers, trinkets, and the occasional bug. It looked like an episode of Hoarders.
“I wish you’d move out of here.” She rolled her eyes but he continued, “Katrin, I’m not kidding. I’m not happy with you living like this. There’s mold everywhere, you have no space with all this junk. And this is the worst neighborhood in Berlin – “
“Gray, that’s enough – “
“No, it’s not.” He dropped his voice to a whisper, “I know we grew up here, but you don’t have to live like this anymore. I don’t want this for you.”
“I grew up here, this is my home! Opa raised me here! As long as he’s alive, I’m not giving this place up.”
Gray sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked old, with exhausted eyes and bags underneath. But he always looked like this. He was the caretaker, Katrin was his little sister in so many ways. He loved her so much, but she was so fragile.
“You know, you’re right. I know how much this place means to you and Opa Klein.”
“Thanks, Gray. That means a lot to me.”
He smiled, “So are you ready? Dani and Haider are in the cab.”
“Oh! Sorry. I’ll just grab something to eat – “
“We have a bagel in the car.”
She grinned like the Cheshire Cat. “Oh, I love you guys.”
“Come on!”
“Sorry, sorry.”
Katrin picked up her bag, turned out the lights and locked the door behind her.
“Let’s take the stairs.”
He rolled his eyes (he did that a lot) but complied. “Hey, what are you wearing?”
“You noticed!” She stopped on a step and struck a pose. “I’m copying Robert. Do you think he’ll notice?”
“He’ll notice. Gott, I want to see how close you’re outfits are.”
“I know, right?”

They walked in together, Kat laughing at Dani’s newest joke. The boys sat down, but Kat stopped at the small white desk on the side of a closed door.
“Good morning, Angela.” She put on a very fake and over-exaggerated smile.
“Good morning, Miss Klein,” the twenty-something year old spat out painfully.
Angela was Robert’s bitchy receptionist. They never were very fond of each other.
“I assume you are here to see Mr. Arnetz.”
“Yes we are.”
“Take a seat, he’ll be with you in a moment.” Katrin ignored her and went for the door, but Angela stood up to stop her.
“You can’t go in there. He will call you in when he’s ready.”
“Angela. Angela, Angela, Angela,” Kat droned on condescendingly, “I’ve known him since he was a nerdy little fourteen year old. Sit down.”
She huffed and sat down. Kat smiled and walked in. His desk was empty, but a fold screen blocked off the rest of his office, hiding the couch she normally sat on. She heard whispered voices behind it.
“Robert!” she sang (literally) in a deep voice. Kat jumped onto his desk, playing with his name plaque. The voices stopped, and she swore she heard Robert mutter: “I told you she’d barge in.” She rolled her eyes. “Robert, we’re here! At eight o’clock! At the early meeting (you) called! Which we’re not happy about!”
Robert stepped out from behind the screen. “Katie, tone it down a bit.”
“I’ve had my caffeine.”
“I can see.”
Katrin met Robert when they were both fourteen. He was a nerd, a geek, and was constantly bullied. But so was Katrin, and they made an alliance of sorts. Robert confessed he loved music to her, he was embarrassed because his parents wanted him to be a doctor, and Katrin showed him her band (then known as The Midnight Hour). He became their manager, booking them gigs, first at school dances then clubs. And then he got them signed.
“Hey, Robbie, who do you have behind the screen?”
“Uh, it’s no one.”
Kat gasped, “It’s a girl, isn’t it? Oh my God, you have a girlfriend.”
Robert looked down. “I don’t have a girlfriend,” he muttered.
“Oh, sorry.”
“But I do have something for you. Get the guys, it’s a surprise.”
Kat bit her lip (she loved surprises) and strode to the door. “You know, that rhymed.” She called over her shoulder.
She stuck her head out the door and called her guys in.
Katrin turned around and jumped (she might have shrieked a little too).
Standing in front of her was all of Tokio Hotel, and their manager, David Jost. Bill smiled at her and waved.
“So,” Robert started, “David call me last night with a proposition. He, and Tokio Hotel, want Radio City to open for them on their North American tour.”
“Are you serious?” Gray asked dubiously.
“Yeah, we really loved your sound.” Said Bill while looking at Katrin, “And we’d like to introduce you to a larger audience.”
“Oh my God.” Katrin tried to hold her tears back, but they came down anyway. “Oh my God. Oh my God.”
“So I take it you accept?” said Jost.
Katrin numbly nodded. She was aware of Dani leaving to call his girlfriend, and Haider and Gray hugging, but she couldn’t think. She had wanted to be a singer since she was a little girl, she had wanted to go to Hollywood and sing. And all she could think about were her parents.
“They would have been really proud of you.” Gray whispered to her. She choked back a sob and held onto him, tight.
She let go and happiness washed over her. They were going to America! To open for Tokio Hotel!
Robert seemed to notice something, because he said: “Hey, we’re wearing the same outfit!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Here you go...not really feeling too chatty. Please comment? I'm begging. I'm pitiful. Please? Constructive criticism? Anything? I'd really appreciate it.

Here is Katrin's outfit which caused quite the commotion in this chapter. The big thing was that Robert always wore these geeky suits (preferably with a bow tie) and Katrin was making fun of him.

Here is your Abbey Lee picture.
I'm adding lyrics to the top now. I wanted to do that from the beginning, but I didn't have songs for that. Thank you for reading... I have nothing left to say. Kay, thanks!