Status: On hiatus. I have like, HUGE writers block for this, won't be deleted, I just won't update in a while. Sorry! Don't hate me!

Only in My Nightmares


In the light of the sun, is there anyone? Oh it has begun...
Oh dear you look so lost, eyes are red and tears are shed,
This world you must've crossed... you said...

You don't know me, you don't even care, oh yeah,
You said
You don't know me, and you don't wear my chains... oh yeah
-Augustana, Boston

I should have packed lighter.
The thought ran through her head a couple times as she tugged and pulled on both her suitcases. Her carry-on bag was slapping her thigh and added to her impatience. She was slipping and sliding on the glossy floor wearing one of her only pairs of flat shoes and she felt incredibly short (which was ridiculous, seeing as she was 180 centimeters).
Kat huffed and blew a piece of hair out of her face as Haider passed her easily.
Gray walked up to her and graciously took one of her suitcases.
“Aww, look at you, all macho, helping out a damsel in distress. Thank you.”
He strained as he pulled both his and Katrin’s suitcase. He thought it was because she had no arm strength. “Jesus, did you pack lead?”
Kat deadpanned. “Ha-ha. We’re going to America, where we might be on TV, for at least a month. Do you want me to have a shortage on clothes?”
Gray rolled his eyes. “You’re such a girl.”
“And you’re such a boy. Was that really supposed to be an insult.”
He shoved her playfully. “Whatever.”

“I’m so excited!” Katrin squealed and she didn’t even try to conceal her bouncing.
Dani laughed and grabbed her arm to pull her down. “Calm down. People are staring.” He eyed the couple across the aisle with mock paranoia.
Katrin barked and was caught in a fit of giggles. She absolutely adored airports and flying and new places and she just couldn’t contain her childlike giddiness. She had only been on a plane once before, and that had been two months ago to do a short tour of France. And she had never left Europe.
Plus, maybe Gray had given her too much freedom.
Katrin had been running around the Berlin Tegel airport like a madwoman. She had two large, fully caffeinated coffees (Gray cut her off when she was going for her third); had a Cinnabon cinnamon bun (another thing she’d never had before) and loved it, to say the least; and she managed to strike up a conversation with any and every airline employee she could, despite it being, what? Six a.m.?
They got on the plane, got their seats, and Katrin sat next to Dani, drumming her fingers against her thigh in anticipation. Unbeknownst to her, the flight would be ten and a half hours long.
Ten and a half hours.
After the first hour or so, the caffeine had worn off and Katrin was feeling tired and grumpy.
“Dani, I’m bored,” She whined, dragging out the “bored”.
“You look exhausted. Go to sleep.”
Upon his suggestion, her whole demeanor changed. She slouched into her chair and her face aged with weariness.
“You know I can’t.” Kat mumbled.
Dani’s voice softened, “Use your music.”
“My iPod’s dead.”
He chuckled lightly, “Then use mine.”
“But you don’t have my music.”
“Yeah I do.”
“You do? Why?” Why would he have that music?
“I got it for you. You know, just in case.” He handed her the bundle of headphones and wires.
She took them numbly. Tears stung her eyes and her nostrils flared. She was once again struck with how insanely lucky she was to have such amazing friends, such amazing brothers. She wanted to hug him but she just couldn’t. Not when it involved this. Katrin turned on her side, unable to face Dani anymore.
“Thank you.” She meant it.
Putting in his ear buds, she scrolled for the playlist. Smooth violin filled her ears, which reminded her that she had almost forgotten her violin at home. Then came the sweet, soft piano, which made her think of a new song idea involving piano.
But by the time the woman’s haunting, ethereal voice rang in her ears, her mind was blank.
Her eyelids dropped and though she was asleep, they painted her mind, and Katrin Klein was dreaming.
♠ ♠ ♠
Umm..not really in the mood. Super tired.
Was gonna make this longer and include the dream, but I was really tired. I figured I'd get this out and get the other one later.
I have 42 readers, six subscribers, and one commenter.
I could have way more.
I'm going to ask for one comment.
Demand one comment.
I hate when authors do that, but it's needed. One comment. No update until.
You got me?
Sorry for being bitchy. Got to go.
Love y'all.