Let Them Speak

Chapter 12 - Darryn

That night, my father and I spent quality time together. For the first time in I don’t know how long. It was relaxing, we watched TV and he even offered me a beer but I wasn’t going to be drinking for a while since last night happened.

Even though it was annoying feeling what everyone else was feeling, it was even more annoying not feeling anything.

That way I did know how to react, so it was slightly better to feel then not to feel.

We cheered on with the winning football team, screamed at bad moves and laughed at the corny commercials on TV. It was nice.

And once it got to be midnight, I patted my father on the shoulder, said a quiet good night and headed upstairs to my room, where I dove into my bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

"Darryn, why don't you just die?" Lacey shouted, holding my hand, and enclosed in my hand was a thick, big knife. I stared down at it, dazed. It shone in the midnight moonlight. I lifted it to my throat and she watched with crazed anticipation.

“Dan~!” Karen shrieked, her laughter floating up and around me. I dropped the knife and Lacey's hand and ran into the forest that surrounded the area, Karen seemed to move constantly, I couldn't place her location.

“Over here!” Addison screamed and he was waving and flailing his arms, there was a mortified look on his face and he kept flickering, as if he was a bad projection.

“Addison?” I asked and ran for him. At his feet were dead bodies, they had been dead a while and their ghosts were dancing around the trees, they flickered too. I reached over and tried to grasp Addison's hand to take him away, but my hand went right through him. He was dead at my feet.

He leapt for me and suddenly my mother was clawing at my face, her face was half burned off, it looked as if she was made of candle wax. Her skin had been melted right off, I could see charred bone underneath.

“You left us to burn~!” She shrieked like a banshee and I started to cry. I ignored her hands that clawed at my face and throat, ignored the blood streaming from my cut-open throat, and pulled her into a hug. Everything went quiet and that's when I noticed everything had turned to ash.

I jolted out of my sleep, a thin sheet of sweat coated my body and I could feel tears in my eyes.

“Fuck,” I whispered and gripped my hair in a death grip, trying to calm my breathing and heartbeat, this was crazy.

I looked at the clock, it was around 4 in the morning.

I laid back and tried to be back to sleep, but when I saw an hour had passed without any luck, I dragged myself out of bed and to the shower.

I made my muscles relax in the hot water, then got out, dried off and dressed in darks, a dark red shirt, black jeans, a leather jacket and combat boots. I liked the feel of the boots, they were sturdy and firm.

I heaved a sigh and left the house with my backpack and made my way to school, my boots crunched against the new frost on the ground.

When I reached the school, I avoided the group of people I usually went to and went straight to Advanced Lit. of the Mind.

Addison wasn’t in there yet and I wasn’t sure if that was a good sign or not. I wondered briefly how Haven was and what she had told Addison.

I slammed my forehead down on the desk and took a deep breath, I was way too tired to be school today.

I was definitely not going to be any good today, considering the nightmare I had just hours before.
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It sucked, I know, I'm terribly sorry! It's short and not very eventful, but hopefully Fluteprince can spice it up with his next chapter.... ><
I love the comments guys, keep 'em up :D <3