Let Them Speak

Chapter 13 - Addison

I wasn't actually questioned long when the police came for me. The asked how I'd come across the body. What was I supposed to say? That his ghost lead me to him? Instead, I told the cops that I was just wandering through the creek, enjoying alone time, and then all of the sudden- a dead body.

I was happy they let me go home. They'd told me not to tell anyone about this, so no one could know anything. but, I knew, soon that would be ruined and I'd be known as the freak who sees ghosts. Just perfect. when I got home, I was surprised that no one asked any questions. But, I didn't mind. I went straight to bed.

I woke up late, my alarm clock apparently couldn't wake me from my slumber. It was a good ten minutes into first hour, but I took my time getting ready and going to school. When I got there, class had less than twenty minutes left. I sighed as the teacher lectured me about being tardy. When he was finished, I took my seat in front of Darryn.

"Hey, little Sophomore." He said, lifting his head, grogginess in his voice. He also had big bags under his eyes, signaling he hadn't slept very well.

"Don't. Call. Me. That." I growled. He held up his hands in surrender, but I knew I he wouldn't drop the nickname. Not now, not ever. Suddenly, questions raced through my brain. Like, how did he know that I was at the theater the other day? Or why wasn't he at school yesterday? But, I dropped them. Not sure why, but I would definitely ask him about it later.

"Sorry, dude." His voice had that soothing effect, but a little more subtle than any time before.

"I'm sorry. I just, had an eventful night." I laughed at my own expense, but he was confused, so I changed the subject before he could ask. "What about you? What was your night like?"

"Just watched the game with my dad." He nodded, biting is lip.

"The game?"

"Yeah, you know, football?"

"Oh, I don't follow sports much."

"Clearly." This time, we both laughed. I started to work on the assignment, trying not to focus on Darryn. I'm not sure how he did it, but was still sexy when he was tired. His dark, loose curls complimented his deep brown eyes. His white smile, his perfectionist skin. The way his dark blue button up shirt was buttoned up wrong. He'd clearly missed a button. And what was also sexy was-


Did I just think the word, I thought I did?


Did I just think about Darryn being sexy? Shit, this could not be happening. He was an arrogant, stuck up, spoiled, rich boy. There was no way in hell that I could be attracted to him. Lucky for me, the bell rang, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I left the classroom as quickly as I could, running to the bathroom on the third floor. I'd learned that this bathroom had been closed off, and at a great addition to the high schoolers. They'd come up here to hook up. Lucky for me, today, there was no one but me.

"Why didn't they arrest Johnathan Karlis?"

I turned to find Daniel Tarus materializing. He was back to how I'd first seen him. Beaten and tattered clothes. Bags under his eyes, face bleeding. His image was flickering in and out violently. Not just being far from his body, but from being angry as well.

"They didn't have evidence. I didn't have evidence to give them."

"But he killed me! He did it!" Even in the stone walls of the bathroom, wind blew through the place, almost pushing me back.

"I can't tell them that you told me he did. They'll never believe it!"

"So alone..." His mood changed suddenly, and he started staring at the floor.

"Your not alone! You have me! I'm here."

"Not... Enough..." He raised his head to look at me. "So alone..." That's when he started to disappear. But, stopped. He pointed behind me. "Why are they here?"

"What?" I turned around. Two girls stood there. One probably my age. One only six or seven. They're faces were burned, the older one covered with burn marks.

"Great! There's more of you?" I turned back to Daniel, but he'd disappeared already. "Who are you guys, what do you want?"

"I'm Chris. This is Karen." The older girl pointed at the younger one and she smiled lightly. "We need your help."

"Don't you all?" Chris's and Karen's images flickered, before Chris answered. This time, her speaking skills were reduced.

"Need... To tell... Him..."

"Tell who?"

"Darryn..." The two spoke in unison, their eyes digging deep into mine...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this was kinda short and slow, but I wanted to show you what's in store with Daniel's ghost, but not only Daniel, but how Chris and Karen are going to distribute to the story. ;) Please keep reading. We love you all!