Let Them Speak

Chapter 15 - Addison

I knew right away that he was lying when he told me he could tell what I'm feeling, by the way I acted. I was tempted to believe him, but how could he make me feel certain ways? He had no lie for that.

I shouldn't of said Karen. I didn't think he would hear, but she was in the corner of the room, yelling at me to tell him. But I couldn't, not yet. It wasn't the right place or time. I couldn't tell him. That wasn't even my biggest problem. I knew it wasn't.

I have three ghost following me around, trying to get me to do their bidding. Darryn, who freaked out on me. Haven, who was trying to not get in Bridgette's way. Thank God, that tomorrow was Friday. I was going to need the weekend.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Asked Chris as she materialized before me. She was tall, beautiful even though she had nasty burns all over her body. Even burns that scarred on side of her face. She wore a tight, small black dress and her dirty blond hair fell to one side.

"It's not the right time. I don't know him that well. I have to do this slowly."

"I-" She was starting to yell at me but stopped. "I guess I understand. But, this is more for Karen then me. I mean, her and Darryn's mom was Blessed right away. Karen and I, we're still Travelers."

"Wait, wait, wait. Blessed?"

"Yeah, in the 'world of the dead,' we call those who move on to heaven, the Blessed. The Damned are those who go to hell. And the Travelers is the term for us who wander the earth, for some unfinished business." She explained. I nodded. This was kind of good to know. I mean if you're going to be working with the dead, you might as well know a few things.

"Wait, what's Karen's unfinished business?"

"She thinks that she has to let Darryn know that she's alright and she'll be waiting for him." I finally took in our surroundings. I was on my walk back home from school. Everything was in October mode. Leaves on the ground, leaves colored on the trees. The streets were empty except for a few passer bys, but no one paid any attention to me.

"What about you?" When Chris fell silent, I changed the subject. "How do -uh, did- you know Darryn?"

Chris laughed. She seemed about as real as Daniel had. But, I knew her body was in a graveyard, at peace. It seemed as if a normal girl was walking next to me, but she wasn't normal. She was dead. "Let's just say we were kind of, uh, involved? I guess you could say that. When my boyfriend found out, well, look at where I am now."

"That's sad. Really sad. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I'm already dead. He's in jail." She kind of shrugged. "Listen, I don't want to rush you on telling him. Believe it or not, I've got stuff to do." With that she vanished. I couldn't wrap my mind around what a dead girl could possible have to do, but I refused to ask.

I eventually came home to an empty house. A note on the front door told me that they went to go apartment shopping with Jaysen. I quickly went upstairs and went to my room to find Aiden on my bed again.

"Aiden, get out. Now." The boy just gave a smile, but didn't get up. "I have enough to deal with without you here."

"Aiden, get the fuck out." A new voice came as the figure emerged from the door. It was Haven. She smiled at my with a huge grin, letting me know she had something to tell me.

"Ugh! Fine!" With that, he got up instantly and left through my window.

"That boy is a slut," She muttered before turning to me. "Guess what?"


"Okay, I know you wanted me to stay away from people until Monday or whatever, but..."


"Okay, so I talked to Jenny, who talked to Stacy, who talked to Anne, who talked to Joan, who talked to Stacy again, and we're invited to the party at Molly Baros's house tomorrow night." She let out a squeal.

"I'm not going to some party, Haven. I just can't-"

"Listen to me, Addii! Tyler Voda is going to be there! And, I hear that he likes you." She smiled again.

"Tyler Voda?"

"Yeah, he's a gay guy. He's a freshman and he totally likes you. You might like him! Just, please, go to the party! Please?"

"Ugh. Fine. But, you owe me big time. If there are any signs of trouble, we're out of there, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love you, Addii! I can't wait!"

"Yeah. Me neither." I looked grimly at the floor, trying to process why I'd agreed to go to that party. I guess, I needed to start looking at dating options. I'd only had one boyfriend before and it hadn't gone so well. But, still. I couldn't shake this feeling that this party was a bad idea.
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I know this chapter is really short, but it explains somethings, and shows that Addii is getting his life back. Keep reading. I love you all!