Let Them Speak

Chapter 16 - Darryn

I don’t know how, but Lacey found me. Ok, well it’s not that hard to find me, she met me outside my house. And well, I wasn’t really happy to see her, but I pretended to be. I was worn down and tired, I had questions and not enough answers and Addison, well he wasn’t really helping the matter.

“Hey babe,” she greeted once I was beside her, I guess we were going into my house.

“Hey Lacey, what’s up darling?” I responded the way she wanted me to, I planted a kiss on her lips.

We escaped into my house and I read a note from my dad, he was out finding a job. Good, I was getting tired of seeing him sitting around the house doing nothing with himself.

“So, guess what we’re doing tomorrow?” She asked and I knew she already had something planned out. I plastered on a smile and placed my hands on her hips. Her desire lapped at my emotions and I knew that if I did anything, she’d never get out what she was trying to say. Lacey was never known for holding back.

“What are we doing tomorrow?” Tomorrow was Friday and Friday nights were usually filled up, when you’re with Lacey, you party with Lacey.

“Well, Molly Baros came up to me, said she was throwing a party and would love it if we could make it,” Lacey fluttered her eyelashes and leaned back on the wall. I retracted my hands and stuffed them in my pockets.

“You know how I feel about parties Lacey,” I warned and she rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, you get uneasy, I’ve been told a bunch of times Darryn, but you’ve got to go, it’s going to be a big party,” she whined and I rolled my eyes right back at her.

“There’s always a big party Lacey,” I retorted and I felt a spike in her irritation level.

“Go with me or we’re over,” she growled and I flinched. She was a bitch and cold hearted, of course she would give me an ultimatum about something as silly as this. I narrowed my eyes.

I should’ve told her to go fuck herself and that we were over. But that would’ve created some drama at school and I didn’t need it.

“Fine Lacey, I’ll go with you, but don’t cause a scene,” I snapped at her, and instead of bringing her further into my house, I opened the front door for her. She had a face of disbelief on her face, but as she walked past me, she kissed my cheek. She didn’t look back once.


The next day, it was finally Friday, but I still had to get up abnormally early, get dressed, then get to school all in one piece. I slipped on a deep red button-up shirt, dark jeans, my leather jacket and my boots(which I’ve kind of fallen in love with all over again). Then I walked to school, said hi to Lacey with a kiss, talked with the normal group of peers then went to Advanced Literature of the Mind and sat next to Addison, who ignored my presence completely.

“Hey little Sophomore,” I greeted, but there just wasn’t that same feeling to it as before. His eyes flicked up to my face before going back to reading the book he was currently reading. His eyes were a powder blue today and they looked better then his other contacts.

We sat in silence for a while, and after class had been started for a good 20 minutes, I leaned over, took Addison’s book and slapped it down on the tabletop.

Addison glared at me through his glasses.

“We haven’t gotten any of this stupid project done, Addison. We need to work on it, even if it means working together. You’re coming over to my house tomorrow at noon. Tomorrow is Saturday so we have all day. And if I have to, I’ll use my information sources, find out where your little ass lives and I’ll go there and pick you up myself.” I told him sternly and I saw him clench his jaw.

“Got it Addison?” I slid a piece of paper over to him that had my address written on it. He looked down at it for a moment, then grabbed it, crumpled it, but slid it into his pocket nonetheless.

I gave him back his book and then took out my iPod and looked through my songs, then settled on a random song, set it on shuffle, clicked the button a few times and then stopped on a song that I couldn’t help but have a little connection with. Always by Saliva.

I hear a voice, don't be so blind,
It's telling me all these things.
That you would probably hide,
Am I your one and only desire,
Am I the reason you breath,
Or am I the reason you cry?

I went to Drama, sat through the performances and then the rest of the day listening to my iPod. Not once did I talk to Lacey or Addison for the rest of the day.


Of course, you can’t actually your girlfriend when you’re going to a party with her that night. Lacey came over around 9pm, her eyes dark, lips glossed, hair done up in a sloppy mess and clad in a little black dress that hugged her features. She wore $1 flip-flops that she wouldn’t be upset about if she lost them tonight. It was bound to happen.

I stayed in the clothes I had gone to school in, and Lacey ruffled my hair up a little. In a little under an hour, we left the house and made it to the party by 10.

The place was packed. It was loud, sweaty and smelled of weed and alcohol.

We made our way to the drinks, each grabbed one, drank those quickly and once Lacey and I were feeling a little lightheaded, we went to the dance floor and showed these dancers what they were missing.

The dancing was close, intimate and down-right dirty.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehe, so I kinda had fun with this chapter guys :D
Always by Saliva and Don't Mess With Me by Temposhark kinda inspired this chapter. Enjoy :D
Don't Mess With Me is kinda Lacey's song :D
I am Rawr, a Dinosaur.