Let Them Speak

Chapter 19 - Addison

Before I knew it, I was against the wall, wrists pinned to either side of my head, Darryn's face close to mine. His eyes glinted with anger. His breathing was slow and heavy, teeth grinding. He wanted answers. The only thing was, could I give them to him?

"How do you know about her?" He growled slowly, repeating the question.


"I'm not going to ask you again, Addison." His grip tightened around my wrists. Pain shot up through my fragile body.

"Darr-" He squeezed tighter. "Your hurting me."

"I don't care! Tell me how you know!" Suddenly Chris materialized behind Darryn, summoning the wind to aid her, trying to blow Darryn away. but it didn't work. "What the-"

"Fine!" I screamed. This was getting us nowhere. I could lie, make it really convincing, but I knew he'd ask again. This was the time, I had to tell him. now or never. And I chose now.

"What?" He growled like he hadn't expected me to tell him at all.

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you! Just lighten your grip!" He loosened his grip, but it was still pretty tight, but I didn't complain.

"Now, tell me."

"Karen..." I started, but decided that was the wrong approach. "In January, my family and I went for a 'family drive.' It was late in the afternoon, nearing sunset. And then-"

"Where are you going with this?" He growled again. Damn, he was like an animal. Leaning up against me, his body heat radiated onto my own body. His defined features -even in a snarl- were dead sexy. With that blood lust in his eyes, it sent chills down my spine.

Great, back to thoughts about how sexy he is. I had to stop this.

"Just let me finish! Anyway, It was slick out. The semi in front of our car, well, it couldn't stop. It slid, our car swerved. Next thing I know, my family and I were dead. Only, I was aloud to come back."

"How does that-" I cut off his question.

"When I came back, I was given the 'gift' to see the dead." He stopped. Froze. He didn't move at all. He started breathing again, after awhile.

"I don't believe you. It's not possible."

"It is. I know about Karen... And Chris."

"Oh, God, Chris.." He moaned, a tear escaping his eye, but He kept me pinned against the wall. He shifted his body against mine, and I'm shamed to say, I became sexually -uh, how do I put it? Aroused.

"I-It can't be true!" He started to cry, shifting again -furthering the arousing. Thank God Darryn hadn't noticed. "But, you know about Chris... Why now?"

"Both Chris and Karen have a message for you." I blurted out.

"Oh, yeah? What's that Little Sophomore?" His tone was harsh, I could tell that was a lot to deal with.

"Chris says that it's not your fault about what happened. She also said that she enjoyed the damn good times. That, and you need to stop living by what your dad thinks. he doesn't control you. Don't let him." I sighed. It was great to get that out to him. But, with another shift of his body, my thoughts of relief disappeared -well, mental relief anyway.

"I... Chris..." This time, he let my wrists fall to my sides and he slowly sat down on a couch near by. I stood where I was. "I miss her so much, it's almost to much to bare. I hide the pain, hide myself. Behind alcohol, behind a smile, behind Lacey. I'm just a fake."

"I didn't-" His gaze met mine. Even blood shot and teary, he was gorgeous.

"Just leave, you've done enough damage here..." I gathered my stuff and walked slowly to his bedroom door, but as I was turning his knob, he spoke. "Wait."


"What about Karen? What was her message?" The next words flew out of my mouth for I'd mentally practiced it a lot.

"Crawling very slowly,
The caterpillar in the tree,
He suddenly starts to cry,
Waiting to turn into a butterfly."

I recited it carefully, then added, "She says don't feel alone. She's always there for you."

As I turned the knob, I realized, I was still hard. I needed to relieve this tension, so I did all I could think of. I quickly passed the space between Darryn, placed my hands on his shoulders, and pulled him into a fierce kiss. Once the sexual frustration was at ease, I head toward the door, then stopped.

"Oh, yeah, Darryn?" I asked, turning to face him.

"What?" He asked fiercely, obviously distraught.


"What?" His tone softened a little. I slid my sunglasses down my nose, removed my power blue contacts to reveal my pale, moonlight blue ones. I set the contacts down on a nearby table.

"My eyes. You asked what color they were, remember? They're blue." Putting on sunglasses back on, I did what I was beginning to realize was all I was good at. I ran. Out of Darryn's room, out of his house. I didn't stop until I was safe in my bedroom. Then, I layed on the bed, and just cried.

I cried for Chris and Karen. I cried for Darryn. I cried for my parents. I cried until I fell into a restless sleep...
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Hey, guys. Thanks for reading! I hope you like this chapter, I sure enjoyed writing it! I love comments, so please comment.