Let Them Speak

Chapter 21 - Addison

Seeing Darryn was a total surprise. I'd expected him to ignore me for the rest of his life. To pretend I never existed. The other surprise was that he'd kissed me. Sure, it was short. It was feirce. And passionate. And when he asked if they were still here, at first I didn't understand. But I realized that he meant Chris and Karen.

"Yes. They are." I nodded, almost to the point of tears. Karen and Chris had just materialized behind him, eyes gleaming. Haven looked confused, but I lead Darryn to my room and Haven didn't follow.

"Your sure?" He asked once we were alone in my room. I nodded again. This time, Chris wasn't flickering. She looked real again. Her image was as smooth as silk, blond hair flowing, green eyes gleaming. Real. Karen looked just as real. Big smile, dark hair and skin.

"It's alright if you didn't love me like I needed..." Chris walked over to Darryn and touched him on the shoulder. Suddenly, he shivered. He'd felt it. Suddenly, a surge of energy surged through me. Call it waht you want: magic, power, energy. I felt strong.

"Hold on, Chris." I quickly repeated what she'd said, but this power, it burned inside me. I took off my sunglasses so I could see better, and found my body covered in a white 'aura.' It wurround me, tightening it's grip and suddenly, I had an idea. A crazy one, but somehow it worked.

I took Darryn's hadn in mine. At first he was alarmed, confused, but I was concentrating. I focused on all of my ebnergy, my power. When it finally happened, it was like a bomb had been set off. One that blinded Darryn and I momentarily. But, when it subsided, I knew he could see what I saw. Chris and Karen.

"Holy sh-" He was as confused as I was. "How did you do-" He abandoned the question. Either he didn't care or he knew that I couldn't explain. Probably both. "Oh, God, Chris!"

She gave him a faint smile, tears brimming in her ghostly eyes. "Hey."

"I miss you.." He cooed, trying to touch her face but she back away. "Why won't you let me touch you?"

"If you touch me, I'll disappear. Just- talk."

"I love you, Chris." He was crying now.

"I know. And I'm sorry that this had to happen..."

"I tried to save you- I tried so hard."

"I know, but it doesn't matter. I had it coming. I accepted my death. Just, please. do not mourn me. Remeber me and be happy. No more dwelling on the past."

"Darryn..." For the first time, Karen had spoken up, she crossed the floor in a matter of seconds. Chris stepped back so Karen could talk to her brother. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too, brat." He laughed, but tears still fell."

"I don't blame you for what happened either. I just want you to know that mother and I know that you loved us. We love you. I just need you to know that your never alone. Never." He started to cry harder. Both her and Chris's figures were outlined in gold, covering them. I squeezed Darryn's hand in mine, smiling, knowing -somehow- what was about to happen.

"We have to go." Chris was crying. "We're going to be Blessed."

"Blessed?" Darryn asked.

"Becoming angels." Chris nodded and came toward him again. She kissed his cheek. "Non amo. Frui eo. Addison frui." I recognized the language as Latin, but I couldn't dechipher it.

"Esto beata.." He smiled and soon, the whole room and what seemed to be the universe. After what seemd like hours, the two were gone. Darryn and I layed back, still hand in hand. It was sad. I hadn't got to see my parents be Blessed, but I knew he was probably emotionally unstable.

"Thankyou." He whispered, his mouth to my ear. I could still feel the tears on his face, as well as this energy around him.

"I'm not sure what to say. Your welcome, I guess." Then, his lips met mine in a soft kiss. I smiled. "Thankyou."

"I know that we kissed and all, but we can't be together. I've got Lacy. And a secret to keep."

"But you jus-"

"I know, but it can't happen. I'm sorry, Addison. It's not like I don't want it, because I do." He met my lips again. "But we can't be together, not now right now."

Reality hit me. I knew he spoke the truth. His words made sense, so I didn't cry. I was a little angry, but I would get over it. But anger wasn't what was powering my emotions. Jealosuy was. I was jealous of Lacey.

"I-" I paused, trying not to cry. "I understand. I guess, I'll just see you at school, okay?"

"I'm sorry."

"Just, let me be. I need to think, but I understand. I do." He hesitated, but he left soon after. Then, I just cried. And cried. And cried some more. Soon, I drifted back into a sleep. Haven even came upstairs and cuddled with me. I didn't say a word. I just cried
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter wasn't easy to write and I know it's short. And not as great as it could of been. I love comments though, keep 'em coming.