Let Them Speak

Chapter 26 - Darryn

“It’s Addison, I think maybe we should talk,” said the voice on the other end of the line. I narrowed my eyes at the wall and blinked back tears.

“Look, Addison, I have work to do,” I mumbled and nearly hung up the phone.

“Wait! That kid, his name is Aiden. And him and I aren’t together,” he shouted. It loud enough so that even though it was almost a foot away from me, I could hear it clear as day. I brought the phone back to my face.

“That kid. He said you guys had something going on,” I heard myself say and it sounded pathetic. I nearly slapped myself.

“We don’t. He’s Haven’s little brother, the only reason we even know each other is because they’re siblings.” He explained and I sighed and went upstairs to my room and sat on my bed.

“Lacey and I are done. I told her just about everything,” I said and heard him move around. I wondered if he was in his room.

“What exactly would that be? Everything.” He sounded a little uncomfortable.

“That it was all an act, and that I was gay and that instead of referring to you as ’fag‘ she should call you by your actual name. And I told her that I was here for her whenever she needed someone to talk to,” I told him. He had thought I had told her about Chris and Karen, about his abilities.


It got silent, the silence was awkward and uncomfortable. I closed my eyes and searched outward until I could grasp Addison’s emotions, they were thick and clouded my head. He was curious about something.

“Speak your mind,” I said, stumbling over my words slightly.

I could almost feel the glare he shot at the phone.

“You’re doing it again,” he growled. I knew what he was talking about, he probably thought I was reading his mind or something.

“Okay,” I said indifferently and I think he was surprised that I didn’t try and deny it like every time before.

“How?” I cleared my throat.

“Well, I’ve been like this from birth, unlike you, who has had their abilities since a tragic near death experience. I can feel what others feel and manipulate those feelings. Right now you’re curious but now you’re starting to feel a bit violated and angry.” I said and there was silence on the other end.

“And how many times have you manipulated me?” He spat and I flinched. He sounded disgusted.


“How many times?” He cut off my apology.

I sighed and tried to think.

“Several times. You’ve noticed though, before. Thats also how I followed you to the theater, when you move, you leave a faint glow and if I’m careful, I can follow it.” I said and no one but Chris had ever heard these words before.

Not Karen, my mom, dad, Lacey, no one.

“And you’ve never felt the need to tell me before?” He asked and I tasted venom now, sour at the back of my throat.

“Addison, please. It’s not easy to tell people!” I ended the single conversation in a shout.

“And you think telling you about seeing dead people is easy?” He hissed and I just about threw the phone. Instead I tightened my hold on it.

“I know it’s not easy! It’s not easy on either one of us, and because of this, we should be grateful that we have that trusting relationship!” I shouted and then bit the inside of my cheek.

“Trusting relationship?” He snarled sarcastically.

I shook away the thought of an angry Addison. Because angry Addison led me to think about angry Lacey and what exactly we did when we were both angry. Angry sex was an adventure.

“Addison, we shouldn’t be angry.” I said calmly and heard him take a deep breath through his nose.

“Right. Just...stay out of my emotions?” He asked and I nodded, then remembered he couldn’t actually see me.

“Yeah, I’ll try. It’s kinda hard, you’re always with me and now that I’m used to you, I can feel your emotions from across town,” I confessed. He took another deep breath.

“Just try.” He murmured.

“I will, promise.”
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:D So my mom made the worst mashed potatoes ever, they were too thick and stuck to the roof of my mouth.... but hey, it's food ;)
Hehehe, thanks for using my termonology(sp) Fluteprince, hehe "whoring" your story :D
Kay bye guys.... :D