Let Them Speak

Chapter 27 - Addison

I hung up the phone with a smile. He'd finally told me. I'd been angry, but did I have any room to talk? I suddenly felt sad for him. He was the same as me. A teen struggling to come to terms with his sexuality and special powers.

It's almost like me. I sighed, turned around and almost screamed.

"Jesus! You have to scare me like that, Daniel?" His ghostly image smiled, but then frowned quickly. "What are you doing here?"

"Johnathan Karlis was arrested tonight." He smiled, he flickered out of sight, appearing behind me. I turned around to face him again.

"I guess that means your going to be Blessed, then."

"No..." He muttered, shaking his head. "So alone." And with that, he vanished. Great. Would he ever move on? I layed back on my bed, when there was a knock on my door. I told them to go away, but that didn't work so I told them come in, which wasn't what I preferred.

"Hey," said Danni as she entered my bedroom. She sat on the bed, her cold as deadly as it was beautiful. Her light brown hair was curly and was waving in the slight breeze from the open window.

"What are doing in here?" I didn't mean it offensively, but her and Jaysen hardly ever acknowledged my existence. It was a total surprise.

"I want to know what's going on with you." Suddenly, it clicked together. She was one of Lacey's friends, but they weren't exactly close, but she'd obviously seen what had happened. I sighed, sitting up.

"Nothing, she just made me mad."

"Apparently. Look, I hate- wait, no. I loathe Lacey as much as the next person, but I'd never say anything like that!"

"Wait? Loathe? I thought she was your friend."

"She is and she isn't. It's a girl thing, don't question it." I laughed and a soft smile played on her lips.

"Plus, there's something going on with Darryn and you, isn't there?" And I answered honestly. I mean, technically, nothing was official or set in stone. No harm in lying to the one who likes to spread secrets.

"No. He's just my partner in Advanced Lit. Nothing more."

"Okay." She sounded unsure at first, but eventually bought my lie. She got up and headed toward the door, but stopped. "You know, we do love you right?"

I don't know why, but I started crying. Ever since I got here, they made my life nothing but hell, and not once did they ever say they loved me. I mean, we did have good times and all, but never had they said "I love you."

"We do, Addii. We just have a hard time showing it." She smiled weakly and left. That's when my phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my pocket, and read the text from Tyler Voda.

"Hey," it read. I replied.

"Hey, Tyler."

"What's going on?"

"Uh, not much. Look, I wanna apologize for earlier."

"No problem. Like you said, it was just having fun."

"Thanks. I knew you'd under stand :)"

"Anyway, there's gonna be a party at my house tonight. Only the coolest of the coolest will be there."


"Would you like to come? You can invite anyone you want."

I grinned at my phone. Then, I texted both Haven and Darryn the same text explaining about the party and asking if they wanted to go. Haven replied yes right away. Darryn's was non-existent, but I knew he'd get the text soon. And even if he didn't want to go, Haven would. I resumed my conversation with Tyler.

"Count me in."

* * * * * * *

Me and Haven arrived at the party a little later. And, I must admit, I did go all out on my wardrobe just in case Darryn decided to come. My long, dirty blond hair was straighten as usual. I wore my sunglasses and neon orange contacts. But, instead of my hoodie., I wore a tight, white v-neck with a slim, loose hanging red tie. My black skinny jeans made me look like a rock star.

Haven looked almost normal as usual. Tight rock star pants. Superman themed high-top Converse that mimicked my Batman ones. She wore a bright yellow tutu over her pants. She also wore a tight All Time Low tee. Her pale blond hair -which had gone from pink highlights to bright red- was curled and made her look like a rock star as well.

You're only happy when I'm wasted!
I point my finger, but I just can't place it!
Feels like I'm falling in love,
When I'm falling to the bathroom floor!
I remember how you tasted!
I've had you so many times,
Let's face it!
Feels like I'm falling in love alone,
Stella won't you take me home?

The music faded into the background as Haven spoke. "I can't believe this! We're going from social outcasts, to like, totally cool!" She squealed sipped what I assumed was some vodka.

"Yeah, this party's crazy!" I looked around us. It was crazy! People smoking weed, getting drunk, making out. Music blared and glitter covered everything. Tyler's house was nice and big, which made it and ideal party spot.

"You wanna go dance?"

"Nah, I'll Darryn another twenty minutes." I smiled as she moved to go dance. This was high school, and slowly, I could feel myself ease into a normal life. Besides, the ghost seeing that is. But, I was realizing, no one in high school was actually normal. We only pretended to be. With that in mind, I leaned against the wall and waited for Darryn...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading. I do love you all. I know this chapter wasn't that great, but just wait ;)