Let Them Speak

Chapter 28 - Darryn

After quickly telling my dad where I was going and making sure I looked okay in a black thermal and black jeans, I left the house. And this time I drove. I normally didn’t drive anywhere, but tonight was different, I was going to a party by myself(meeting up with Addison didn’t really count) on the other side of town.

I got into the car and put my hands on the steering wheel, then started the car and picked my way through the darkened streets until I came to my destination.

The house was large, packed and when I pulled up, my keys were taken away.

I checked my hair then walked into the house. I looked around at the expensive furniture, the alcohol, and the glitter that covered everything.

I was instantly intoxicated.

Not from the alcohol or the drugs being passed around, but from the flowing emotions. I was happy, excited, turned on, and in the mood for dancing all at once and it was a refreshment.

And not to mention that perfect being leaning against the wall. He hadn’t noticed me yet, so I was welcome to stare for a few extra seconds. Addison looked the same, except so I could see his every curve in that white shirt of his and the tie, I could only imagine what I could do with that.

I forced myself to lock my jaw so it didn’t drop, then moved forward and placed a hand on Addison’s hip. He started and whipped around to look at me and I smiled. I watched his eyes slip over my outfit of choice and I took this time to take in the smaller details of his.

Rockstar jeans that could easily be taken off, and I could use that tie to my advantage: get him closer.

“Wanna dance?” I asked. My voice had excitement in it, and might’ve been too suggestive, but Addison nodded anyway and led the way to the living room, where we got lost in the crowd. I smirked and taught him a few moves. Then we were set.

Grinding and swaying with the rest of the crowd and laughing over the loud music, this was probably the best party I’ve been to in a long time.

And when I looked around, I saw a few eyes on us. They were Lacey’s friends, keeping tabs on me. Us.

I gripped Addison’s hand and gently tugged him along. We went through the crowd so none of the spies could keep track of us and then we were jogging up the stairs and locking ourselves in a bedroom, laughing and giggling as if we were high. Maybe we were, there was enough smoke in the air to do the job. But I’d never been high, so I didn’t know the feeling.

“This is great,” Addison exclaimed and I giggled along with him.

Then I looked over at him and my heart stopped.

Okay, not literally, that would hurt a little.

But it felt like it.

Addison was sitting on the bed, he had loosened up the tie even more and his hair was messed up, a telltale sign that he had run his hand through it. He looked dead sexy.

I walked over and sat next to him and repressed the urge to grab him and kiss him hard.

Instead, I leaned over and kissed him lightly, my hands rested on his hips as I turned his body toward mine.

And there was definitely a spark. It set my skin aflame and made my lips feel electric. And when he kissed back, I just about died. My stomach turned and my fingers twitched.

I deepened the kissed and brought him closer, my hands inched up the back of his shirt. I was testing the waters and seeing what I could get away with and what I couldn’t.

He moved his lips a little and I took it as a sign to do the same. I pulled away for a moment and took in his appearance again. His face was flushed red and he was slowly opening his eyes back up.

“Was that okay?” I asked him and almost laughed at how breezy my voice was.

“Yeah,” he replied with a smirk and I smiled back.

“More?” I asked and kissed his neck delicately.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehhehe, sexy? I thought so, even on a little level.
This chapter kinda reminds me of the song So Obvious by Runner Runner. ^^ Ya'll should Youtube the song, 'cause I'm too lazy to go get the link.
I'm on hyperdrive right now guys. I just finished this chapter, so now I have to go write my chapter for Color Me Mine. ^^ Yay me for being hard workign and devoted to fans.