Let Them Speak

Chapter 29 - Addison

Hate to say it, but I was turning into a slut around Darryn. I was having fun! The kisses became deeper and hungrier. His shirt cam off, as did my glass. It was until I found him undoing his belt that I jumped up off the bed and leaned back against the bedroom door.


"I can't sleep with you. Not now, not here." I listened to the blaring music. I could smell the weed and alcohol everywhere. This was not the place to lose my virginity. "Especially, not here."

"Yeah." He nodded, snapping back into reality. He tightened his belt and slid his shirt back on. "Sorry."

"No problem. It's just normal teenage hormones, right?" I laughed. The truth was, if it wasn't here -maybe in my quiet bedroom- I would've let this go on. That's when I realized it. I want to have sex with Darryn. I want to give him all I could offer. Damn him and his sexiness.

"Yeah, your right." He pressed me against the door, kissing me passionately. "Wanna party some more?" I nodded and he exited the room and went to the dance floor. We immediately started dancing after Darryn steered us away from a group of sneering girls. His body was pressed against mine, moving to the rhythm of the song.

Oh my God!
It's like when they see me,
All they see is my freakish hair,
And my freakish lip rings,
And their like:
'What the fuck kid?
You're a fucking freak!'

He grabbed my hips, pulling me to him. He rubbed against me, letting me feel his obvious erection. I shuddered and tried not to moan as I kept grinding against him. He was behind me, so it was a surprise when he bit my neck. I almost screamed in ecstasy.

And it's like,
I can't wear some tight jeans,
And a tight tee,
With some high-tops,
And some shudder shades,
With out them being like:
'What the fuck kid?
You're a fucking freak,
A freak,
You're a fucking freak!
Freak, Freak, Freak!'

His lips met mine and this time, he moaned. His hands slid seductively up my ribs, and even up my shirt. His skin was warm against mine, making me want him even more. I considered even going back upstairs to that room and having at his body. But, I decided against it.

Eventually the song ended and we were both worn out. We made our way to a corner where Haven stood, obviously worn out as well. She was sipping something I identified as vodka. She sipped it happily, content with the party.

"Ooh~! Alcohol! I'mma get some," Darryn turned to me. "Want any?"

"Eeww, alcohol is nasty."

"Your loss," Haven and him said simultaneously. I laughed.

"That-" I paused to look at the two of them. "Was creepy."

"Zoom on my rocket ship!" Haven started to sing the previous song as Darryn made his way to the kitchen. When he was gone, she grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Okay, I saw you go upstairs with him! What happened?" She was so excited, and I just shook my head with a smile.

"Nothing much. We just made out a little," I admitted.

"That's still better than me! I mean, there's so much feeling here, and nobody even approached me!" Then, Haven's words hit me. This party was filled with feeling. Everyone here had feelings. Suddenly, I got worried for Darryn.

"Hey~!" He yelled over the music as he came back. He sipped his drink happily. I pulled him close, where Haven couldn't hear. "What?"

"Are you okay here?"

"What do you mean, Little Sophomore?" I sighed. Even now, the nickname stuck.

"I mean, so many people. So many feelings. You're not like in pain are you?"

"No, these feelings are all light spirited and not conflicting with each other. I'm fine. Let's just have fun, 'kay?"

"'Kay." I smiled and we went back to dancing. The music blared, we grinded some more. At one point, buckets full of glitter were dumped from the top of the stairs and onto the living room-dance floor area...

* * * * * * * *
I didn't even know when I got home last night, but it must of been late. I was surprised when I woke because I was still in my clothes from yesterday. Glitter was all in my hair and all over my bed. I checked the time. No time for a shower. I got dressed quickly- simple black tank top. A pair of white rock star jeans. Batman converse. I still had my sunglasses and contacts, but today I ditched the baggy hoodie.

I got to school about twenty minutes late. I strolled into Advanced Lit. sneakily, hopping nobody noticed the glitter in my hair. I smiled at Darryn.

"You're late, Little Sophomore." He mused, smiling lazily. "And you have glitter in your hair." He laughed. I grimaced. It probably looked like sex hair since I didn't even have time to straighten it.

"What's the assignment?" I asked.

"We have to write a six page paper for Monday." I thought about it. It was Tuesday now, so I came up with something that would work for me.

"Um, you could come over Thursday and you could stay through Sunday -if you can- and we can work on it then. We'd have the whole weekend to work." He answered with a smile.

"Okay, I think I can. I'll stay at your house." He smirked triumphantly, like he'd done something that would get him in the history books.

"Can't wait." I said with a half seductive smile and a wink.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you like this chapter! It was fun to write. My baby, Addii, is turning into a normal teen. And a whore, but that's besides the point. I just hope you liked it. The song in here is Rocketshiptothemoon by Dot Dot Curve :)