Let Them Speak

Chapter 30 - Darryn

Addison and I hung out during Drama and watched the other performances, I commented on a few and pointed out a few flaws for some people, who thanked me rigorously.

We didn’t do much, we talked and asked questions. I asked about his ability, and he told me about the boy who had been followed him around recently, Daniel Tarus. I’ve heard the name around school, but whenever Lacey and I heard anything about it last year, she’d glare and I’d end the conversation. She never did like to discuss the dead.

And Addison asked about my ability, and I told him everything I could.

How does it work?

The same as taste and smell, sometimes I can taste and smell emotions, its hard to explain. And I just just replace emotions that I feel with the ones I want to feel.

How long?

As far back as I can remember I've always had this ability.

Do you like having it?

Sometimes. It can be a terrible thing, to feel someone else's anger and pain and think it's your own. I don't have my own emotions anymore, at least not very often. It gets frustrating, but at least I know how to react to certain things people tell me, just based on their emotions.

Who knows about it?

You. Chris did. She was the only one. I'm a good actor.

And once 20 questions was over, so was class and we shuffled from the room. I waved lazily over my shoulder at Addison and finished the day without too much complaining.


I lumbered through the door of the house and then stomped upstairs, my energy completely zapped. I haven’t slept since the night before. I got in too late last night. After driving Addison and Haven to Addison’s house, I drove to my place and had a few things to eat to wear down the headache that had been forming. And by the time I was ready for bed, it was 6:30 and I had to get up anyway.

I threw my stuff down and walked back downstairs.

“Dad?” I called and heard a muffled reply.

“Down here Darryn,” he shouts and I knit my eyebrows together. He’s in the basement?

I walked downstairs and stared.

He had gotten all new furniture for down here, there was a huge leather couch in one corner, the floor was carpeted a maroon color, the walls matching the color, even though it looked like black circuits were running through the paint- a painting effect, not real circuits.

There was a bar along one wall supplied with alcohol, a large flat screen TV against the opposite wall and a ton of beanie bag chairs littered the floor all around the room. I was amazed.

“Good to see you’re putting the money to some good use,” I say with a smirk and he shoots me a mock glare.

“Good to see you’re getting enough sleep, son.” He smiles as I scowl.

“Hey, I’m trying dad,” I mumble and leap into one of the beanie bag chairs.

Trying is not going to parties on a school night, getting home at 5 in the morning and actually getting real sleep. Which reminds me,” he mumbled and started to rummage around in a box he was going through. Decorations for the room. He handed me a pack neon green glow stick necklaces. He smirked at my face.

“What the hell am I supposed to do with these?” I asked and it might’ve come out a little harsher then I liked, but hey, I’m tired and he’s the parent. I’m allowed to get a little snappy.

“Well, this is your party room. It’s big enough for at least 30 people, more if you want it packed. The TV has a built in stereo thats top-of-the-line, there’s a gaming system built into the wall and I think you’re old enough to be responsible about alcohol. The glow sticks are for your first party. Oh, and Darryn, look at this,” he says all of this like an excited child. He skips to the wall and flicked one of the light switches, the lights go out. He flicked another and the room is suddenly filled with UV lights. Flicks another: flashing strobe lights like in a real club. Flicks another: It looks like we’re under water, all the walls have projections of water ripples. Flicks another: the lights return to normal and my father laughs at my awestruck face.

“Holy sh-”

“Watch your mouth.”

“This is amazing dad,” I whisper and take a mental note to check for drool.

“I thought so too. I ordered everything these past few days while you’ve been out and this is the result. Think of it as an early birthday present,” he smiles and sits in the beanie bag next to me.

“But my birthday-”

“Is in a week Darryn.” I glower at the floor.

“Yeah it was just a week before the two most important people in our lives were burned to death in their own beds,” I mumble sourly and I receive a quick slap to the back of the head. My eyes water and I whip toward my father, who’s face it like stone.

“You will appreciate this Darryn. We will celebrate their lives like we didn’t before. They’d want us to laugh, not cry.” I wonder briefly when he became this different person. I nodded.

“Sure dad. I’ll try,” I smile convincingly, and then I grab the remote and we fiddle around with the room’s settings, giggling like mad children.


For dinner, we ordered pizza and sat on the porch like old men, laughing at past experiences. I was letting him into my life, I was telling him about Lacey, just not the fact that I only dated her to keep him happy. I don’t think that comment would go over lightly. Oh hey dad, I totally broke her heart and pretended to be straight so that you wouldn't have extra stress. Oh and I made out with this boy, Addison at the party from last night. It was amazing.

I almost choke on my food as the thought processes.

I tell him about Drama and how I’m actually good at it. I tell him about Haven and Addison, and about how I went to the graves the other day.

And obviously, there are things I can’t tell him. My abilities, Addison’s, having to of seen Chris and Karen before they became Blessed. Lacey. Daniel. So many things I can’t just give up for his expense.

And after talking and laughing like old men, we retreat to the Cave(as we’ve dubbed it) and watch whichever game thats on. We cheer and laugh some more, then we each drink a beer, then it’s time for bed. I swear not to drink beer again, it’s a terrible drink.

By the time I reach my room, I’m dead tired and I’m asleep before I even touch the bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yesh, so this is the 30th chapter! :D
I thought this one was pretty darn good :) I had quite a bit of fun writing it, lots of bonding, father-son stuff.
Okay well....enjoy and I hope ya'll stick around till the very end. ;)