Let Them Speak

Chapter 32 - Darryn

I was giddy with nerves on Thursday. It was early that normal, far too early to actually be up, but I hadn’t packed any clothing that I’d need for the next 3 days.

Boxers, check.

Shirts, check.

Jeans, check.

Sweat pants, check.

I blushed as I packed the two condoms into my bag too, hidden in the socks.

Safety and protection, check.

Hey, you never know whats going to happen in an empty room, two hormonal boys who might just end up making out instead of actually working on their project. I didn’t doubt it for an instant.

And once I had everything packed in a duffle bag, my clothes and such, I packed up my books and put those in my actual back pack.

And in a daze, I started to walk from the building and in a too-short of a time period, I was walking into the school parking lot. Lacey jogged away from her friends and looped an arm around mine, then thought better of it and stepped away a bit.

“Hello Lacey,” I smiled but I couldn’t help but notice her slightly icy look.

“Why is it that I heard about you at Travis’ party on Sunday night with Addison?” She growled under her breath. I smiled over at the girls who had been spying on Addison and I at the party.

“Well Lacey, I’m a single man now. And I was out partying with a friend.” I smiled down at her and felt her sudden anger. She was angry that she still had feelings for me.

“You were practically having sex with him on the dance floor Darryn,” she hissed and I laid a hand on the dip of her lower back. She stepped away from my touch and I gave a smug smile.

“Lacey, dear, you really shouldn’t believe all the rumors you hear.” I smiled once more, it was a cruel and smug smile.

Then I walked into the school, stopping at my locker first. I stuffed the duffle bag in, then went to Advanced Literature of the Mind to find Addison already perched on his seat. He almost looked as excited as I felt.

“Hey,” I said in a groggy, hoarse voice. I sat in my seat and turned it to face him head-on.

He was about to greet me when a pair of arms flew in front of our faces and arms wrapped around my head. The back of my head pressed into something soft; a chest or stomach?

“Haven, let him go, you’re going to contaminate him or something,” Addison said but I caught the giggle in it. I smiled. She did as she was told, then grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me from the room. I gave a girly wave back to Addison and he returned it with a smirk. He was completely confused as to why Haven was dragging me from the classroom.

She stopped just outside the door and prodded me in the chest.

“Ow, stop it,” I swatted at her hand and she smiled an evil, devilish smile.

“Okay, so I’ve got to tell you this. Yesterday Addison and I went to the department store and actually went shopping for condoms,” we both snorted with laughter. “Anyway, we stopped in the aisle and were completely lost. We had no idea what we were getting, what you liked and well, you know, you’re size. So we just got ’for all sizes‘ and well....when we got up to the counter, the priest from the church his mom used to go to was there and he swore a lot and dropped the box and everything just became terrible.” And despite the mood of the story, we were almost falling over each other in laughter. We held each other up and when I looked over at Addison, and had to keep laughing, his face colored and I’m pretty sure he knew what we were laughing about.

“Ok, so awkward question of the day, so we know for future reference,” Haven started and I tried to stifle my laughter with my hand. I knew what she was about to ask.

“Penis size.” She stated with such a straight face that I wondered how often she asked it. I barely contained my own, giddy laughter.

“I don’t know exactly,” I mumbled with a straight face. Hers split into another smile.

“Oh don’t lie! You guys all measure!” She shrieked and I laughed.

“Okay, around 7, more or less,” I blushed when she smirked.

“Oh okay....just be gentle with my Addii. Got it?” She mocked a punch at my arm and I chuckled.


I returned to the class and assured Addison that nothing secret had been said. We laughed over a few silly things.

And the class ended in a blur, then the next and the ones that followed. I was excited.

Finally, it was the end of the day. I grabbed my duffle bag and met with Addison. We talked the entire way to his house, and inside, it was like a graveyard. No one was home yet.
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Hahahaha, omg I'm having the same kind of conversation with my friend that lives in NY. XD I asked him the awkward question of the day. He was 'to-the-point'.
And I asked Fluteprince...
And since I'm a girl, it can be a little awkward...
Yeah okay, well I hope you like it...