Let Them Speak

Chapter 33 - Addison

It was completely deserted when Darryn and I got to my house. I looked through the entire house, but there was no one. At all. So, it wasn't a surprise when I found a note on the kitchen table.

Danni and I are staying at Jaysen's new apartment, just to stay with him for a night. He'd never admit it, but he's afraid to be alone. Anyway, we'll be back Saturday. Your a responsible kid, so I expect no parties! Have a good weekend, see you soon.
- Aunt Harmony

"House to ourselves? I'm begining to think that you planned this." Darryn laughed, reading the note over my shoulder.

"Whatever." I laughed. "Um, I hope this is okay with your dad. You know, staying here, I mean."

"Yeah, I talked to him about it last night. It's totally cool." He flashed me a wide, toothy grin. Butterflies started flying in my stomach, giving me an undescribable feeling. I looked him over. Dark hair, dark eyes, lean, muscular figure. Damn, he was sexy.

"Want to take the grand tour?" I laughed as he nodded. I showed him the kitchen, living room, and everything else, but I saved the upstairs for last. We marched up the stairs, I pointed to Danni's room and told him that's where Danni stayed. Then, when we got to my room, I opened the door slowly, peeking my head in. It was pretty sad, but I was checking for Aiden. When I found my room clear, I let Darryn in.

"Nice room. But, I've been here before." I was astonished, but then I remembered that Aiden said that Darryn had caught him climbing into the window.

"Well, feel free to look around." I said, sitting on my bed, taking out the outline for our report on endangered species. Darryn shifted through my room. He suddenly spied my nightstand and the second door was slightly open because a small black box held it open.

"What do we have here?" He asked, opening the drawer. I slammed it shut just as fast as it had been opened. I wondered if he'd seen the box of condoms, and if he did, he was nice enough not to ask about it.

"That's, uh, nothing."

"Okay, okay. What animal do you want the report to be about?"

"I don't know. Pandas?"

"Exactly my thoughts! I love pandas!" He smiled again and that feeling returned. Darryn sat on my bed and my thoughts drifted from the report to something completely different. "Okay, let's get started."

* * * * * * * *

A few hours had passed and a look at the clock told me it was a bout eight o' clock. We weren't exactly done with the report, but pretty close. We'd used my lap top to do some research about pandas, and I was greatful. I didn't really know much about them, besides the fact that they were cute.

But, about eight o' clock, we took a break to- you know, talk and make out and stuff. He was sitting up, but my head was on his chest, his arms pulling me close to him. I loved this.

"So, how's your realationship with your dad?" When didn't answer, I knew it was a touchy subject. "I didn't mean to-"

"We're okay, but I just wish things were better."

"You'll be okay." I looke dup at his eyes. They were watering, clearly thinking about times with his family. I leaned my lips up to his and we shared a passionate kiss. "You'll be okay, I promise."

"I'll be okay as long as you're here..." His voice trailed off and I wanted to say something, anything, but he spoke again. "Wanna order a pizza or something?"

"Yeah." I nodded and pulled out my phone.

* * * * * * * * *

We'd eaten our pizza and gone back upstairs and worked continuiously on our paper. When we'd finally finished, it was close to midnight. I smiled at Darryn and he smiled back. I was begining to realize I could get used to having him around.

"Do you wanna get a little snack?" I asked curiously. My stomach was killing me! I hadn't really that much pizza because I didn't want to seem like a pig. Aparently, Darryn wasn't that full either.

"Sure, but let me change into some pajammas, okay?" I nodded. I'd already changed into mine awhile ago. It was just some flannel pants and a band tee. That was it. Plain and simple.

"I'll wait for you down stairs!" I caleed as I made my way down to the kitchen. It was dark, but the moonlight seemed to cast enough light for seeing things. I sat at a large stool placed at the island and just sat there and waited for Darryn. When he finally came down, I had to stop my mouth from watering.

He was just wearing a pair of small, light blue boxers that were easy to see through. He was shirtless and had gorgeous, tanned abs. I wanted to kiss him badly. I wanted to get up and just have him take me here and now, but I resisted those urges.

He walked over to the fruit bowl and picked up an apple, washed it off, then took a bite. He leaned against the counter, so I could still see his whole body. I was drooling, I knew I was, but I didn't care. He had to be doing this on purpose. He was clearly doing this on purpose.

"This is a good apple." He said, as if I cared. Small talk. My natural instincts were taking over. I could feel it. I became eroused quickly by just looking at his boxers, which let me see his meat. I needed him. I wanted him. Now. It had to be now.

"Yeah..." It was hard to bring up the courage to ask what I was going to. But, I did it somehow. "Hey, Darryn?"


"Do you wanna go to bed?" My voice was so small and it was barely audible. I looked down at the counter, trying not to focus on his sexy body.

"But it's only midnight and I'm not tired." Good 'ol Darryn. Completely oblivious to what I was asking.

"That's, uh..." My eyes met his and I tried to let him feel all the lust I had for him. "That's not what I meant."

Suddenly, realization washed over him. There were no more words. He looked deeeply into my eyes. Then, I got off the stool and he crossed the distance form there. He took me by the waist and pulled me into a wild kiss. When we parted, he took my hand and lead me upstairs...
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you liked this chapter. It was a little slow, but so cute =] Aww, little Addii's a slut haha. :]