Let Them Speak

Chapter 34 - Darryn

I gazed around the room then down at the small figure sleeping on my chest. I ran my hand down his bare back, he shifted in his sleep and gave a sleepy little moan. I smirked.

That was my second time having sex with a boy, and I was sure that this was the best yet.

I slid gently out of bed and put on a pair of sweatpants, then padded downstairs and got myself a glass of juice, drank that quickly, and returned back upstairs to bet back into bed with Addison.

I guess I wasn’t gentle enough, because he yawned and opened his eyes to peer at me. I was taken by surprise slightly by his bright blue eyes. I smiled softly and settled in next to him. He yawned again and smiled weakly. He rested his head on my chest and I breathed in his scent.

This was crazy.

We had come to his house, finished a project, then had gone to bed and had sex.

It felt...weird to be so close to someone, so connected.

And I was definitely connected to Addison.

We had shared flesh, words, and thoughts. We knew secrets, physical and phenomenal.

“So, how was it?” I asked and bit my lip. Addison smiled that sleepy smile. He was worn out and I took that as a good sign.

“It was....good,” Addison hid his face. I pouted.

“You hesitated,” I mumbled and Addison giggled. He turned his face back to me and I could see a heavy blush coating his cheeks.

“I didn’t want to make myself sound like an amateur or something. It was amazing and outstanding Darryn, better then I was told it was going to be,” he whispered and kissed my lips hard. I moaned into the kiss and wrapped my leg around his waist. He pulled back with a satisfied smirk.

I threw my head back and sighed.

“See what you do to me?” I mumbled and unwrapped my leg. He chuckled a little.

“It’s not my fault that I’m an extremely sexy being,” he joked and I smiled. I shot up and tackled him backwards to the other side of the bed.

“No, but it is your fault that you can’t control your emotions or your actions,” I said into his neck before kissing it delicately.

He shivered and then pushed at my chest. I got off him, and laid back in my original place. He followed suit, a blush on his cheeks still.

“Can we get a little more sleep?” He asked and I nodded. He settled down and within minutes, as back to sleep.

But I was still high on the feeling in the room, it was electric and sexy. And Lacey knew from experience that I was pretty much awake for the whole night after having sex. I don’t know what it was, but I just couldn’t get back to sleep. I was wide awake.

After a few hours of trying to sleep and failing, I shook Addison a little.

“Hey, it’s time for school,” I whispered and rubbed his back. He whined a little about not getting enough sleep and I laughed.

“Well thats your fault for seducing me Addi. Now get up. I’m going to go take a shower, I’ll be out in 10 minutes. You better be up,” I said and I thought I heard a murmured “and if I don’t?”

I started the shower, stripped down and got into the hot water.

Last night. I wondered how many hickeys I had on my neck, how many I might’ve left on Addison. If anyone would notice.

But none of that mattered right now. Because I was content and happy with life right now.
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So, I think I'm going to have fun with my chapters now :) Not my fault that Darryn can be a little horn dog. Ok, so maybe it is my fault that he's a sex god. XD
Anyway, enjoy, even though this wasn't my best chapter again ><
They'll get better, promise.
Okay well, leave some comments :) And no, sorry to disappoint, but there's not going to be a bunch of crazy sex....Although knowing Fluteprince..... XD
<3 you hun