Let Them Speak

Chapter 35 - Addison

I walked into school casually, as if last night didn't happen. It was hard to pretend it hadn't, though. For one, I was too excited and I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off my face. That and I was so sore. I knew it was supposed to hurt, but this much? I sighed. No pain, no gain. Right?

I walked casually to my locker. The place I never went. I didn't open it. Not today, but I just stared at it, wondering what my parents would think of me. Think of who I was. Thinking back to my family life, it was far from perfect. But, I'd give anything to have them back.

Haven found me and smiled. I blinked back tears that I hadn't even realized had formed. She had the same stupid grin I did.

"So what happened last night?" She was all giddy from excitment and so was I, but I forced to stay calm about this.

"We finished our report." I nodded causually.

"I don't care about your fucking report. I wanna know what happened last night."

"Nothing happened." I lied.

"Bullshit." She pulled me into a small corner, then gave me a death glare. "What happened?"

"We...had sex." I admitted, not letting her see my eyes.

"I just knew it! The way you were just, I don't know, glowing? I just knew it!"


"Yeah. I'm not sure, but it's like your eyes have more of a light in them and you seem so care-free and happy."


"Yes!" She looked at me, a loving, friendly look. "Anyway, I have class and so do you."

I waved goodbye and headed off to Advanced Litature of the Mind. Darryn was in his seat and grinning like an idoit as well. I sat down and smirked at him. I could see a hicky on his shoulder, but I wasn't about to tell him that.


"Hey." And, for some reason we both laughed . It was like a joke hidden into our words, but when my thoughts cleare, something occurred to me. "Since the paper's done, does that mean your not gonna be at me house anymore?" I pouted.

Surprisingly, he took my hand in his. "Hell no! You have a empty house 'til Saturday, and I ain't gonna let you stay alone."

"Good, 'cause I don't wanna be alone." I winked. He just smiled, but that's when my phone vibrated. I pulled it out, hid it from the teacher's view and then read the text message.

Haveing a mental break down. I'm in the old bathroom. Come find me?
- Haven

"Oh, shit. Not again." I started to get up, but Darryn caught my arm, giving me deep look. He'd felt my anxiety, my despair, my worry for Haven. I was begining to think that seeing the dead had nothing over empathy.

"What's wrong?" He was whispering.

"Haven. I have to-"

"We'll go together." He gave my hand a squeeze then rushed out of the classroom, ignoring the teachers protests. We ran up to the third level of the school, rushing into the bathroom. There, we found Haven on the floor, mascara running down her face, Her hair was all messed up and parts of her clothes were torn.

"Bridgette..." She muttered. I rushed into her, bringing her into my arms. I shook my head and kissed her hair. She cried into my chest, nails digging into me. But, she was my bestfriend, I didn't care.

"We're not staying here. We're going back to my house." I looked at Darryn. "Will you please drive?"

"Yeah. C'mon." With that, Darryn and I practically carried Haven to his car and we drove to my place. We quickly went into my room and laid her on th ebed. Within a few minutes, she fell asleep.

"What happened?" Darryn asked, pulling me out of the room and closing the door behind him.

"Her and Bridgette must've had another fight." My eyes were watering. I was surprised that I had this much compassion for Haven, for anyone.

"Addii, she's going to be okay. I promise you that." He took me by the waist, pulling me to him. I refused to look into his eye, but he leaned down and kissed me.

"I just hope you're right." I tried to turn my head, but his hand caught my chin, turning my face toward his.

"I promise you. Haven. Will. Be. Okay." He kissed me again, and reassurance washed over. I knew Darryn was helping with that, but must of it was me. I believed him. Little did I know, he was dead wrong.
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Sorry, I know this chapter wasn't as great as it could of been. It's kind of a place holder for what happens next and what will bring the story together. Hope you guys enjoy :/