Let Them Speak

Chapter 36 - Darryn

Once both Haven and Addison were asleep, I snuck downstairs and pulled out my phone. It rung for a few minutes and at first, I wasn’t sure if she was going to pick up.

“Hello?” Came a sleepy greeting. I looked at the time, it was 2 in the morning.

“Lacey dear, it’s Darryn,” I said gently and I heard her groan as she stretched.

“Hey you. What do you want?” She asked, more awake now. She was moving on her side, probably trying to get comfortable again.

“I need a favor,” I said and she sighed.

“Maybe,” I smiled. That was a yes.

“You know Bridgette, right? She doesn’t really like people who-”

“Yeah I know her, we’ve have a few run-ins,” Lacey mumbled, clearly a little annoyed.

“Do something about her. Get her out of school for a few weeks or something, anything.” I whispered and I heard her quick intake of breath. She was already thinking which bones would and could be broken.

“Why?” She sounded breathless.

“Do you know Haven Neider, don’t you?”

“Mmhmm,” she hummed.

“I’m starting to fear that something will happen to her if Bridgette isn’t brought down.” I said truthfully. I shuddered at the remains of her feelings that were still clutching to the air and my clothing. It was hatred, sickly sweet self-loathing, she just wanted it all to end. Or maybe she was just in the moment.

“Are you certain?” Lacey asked and I nodded. Then remembered she couldn’t see me.

“Yeah, as certain as I can ever be Lacey,” I told her truthfully.

“I’ll see what I can do to make it look like an accident.” She murmured, the hung up the phone without so much as a goodbye. Of course, it wouldn’t be her doing the breaking, she’d maybe inflict some pain, but she’d get her other, older friends to do the real damage. The damage that would take Bridgette down for a while, so maybe Haven could get better.

I went back upstairs and threw my phone in my duffle bag and sat down on the floor beside the bed. I reached up and took Addison’s hand and leaned back as comfortably as I could before zoning out, and a little after that, falling asleep.


I woke up to a very quiet crying sound. I groggily looked around, I was still on the floor, it was around 4 in the morning. Addison’s hand was still in mine, but Haven wasn’t in the bed beside Addison anymore. I gently let go of Addison’s hand and followed the dreadful sorrow I felt. I nearly lost my balance from the impact of it when I entered the bathroom. Haven was sitting on the edge of the tub, her fists were in her hair, her face was red and blotchy from tears and she looked like a complete mess.

I padded over and without hesitation, pulled her to her feet and into my arms, where I hugged her tightly. She resisted the hug for a while, before just going limp in my arms when she realized that my hold wasn’t breaking.

“You know who Lacey is, don’t you? My ex-girlfriend,” I murmured into her hair, I felt her nod.

“Well, she knows a few people, and she’s a violent person in general. I called her once I knew you and Addison were asleep. She’s had it out for Bridgette for a long time. I gave her an excuse to hurt Bridgette, Haven. If Bridgette tries anything, let me know. I’ll talk to her personally,” I said calmly, as if everyday I threatened to hurt someone. I would do worse then hurt them, I would mortify them, I would make them completely unstable, a complete wreck.

I could inflict some serious emotional and mental damage. Make that person feel the pain I did when Karen or Chris died, make them feel the terror I did when they brought Chris out on a stretcher in a steaming body bag. I could break them down to a sobbing wreck in under an hour.

“Why did you do that?” Haven sniffled and I tightened my hold on her.

“Because I care for Addison and he cares for you, Haven. Something happens to you and he feels it, he has to deal with it. It’s like dominoes, if one goes down, the rest do too,” I told her and only then did I release her. She stayed put, her hands clenched in my shirt for balance. I kept my arms around her weakly.

“Thank you,” she whispered. Then she nodded, kissed my cheek and went back to bed.

She was laying beside Addison the same she did before and I took my place on the floor again. I sighed and leaned my head back.

“Get some sleep Haven,” I whispered but she didn’t respond.
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Well, I thought this chapter was pretty good, compared to my other crappy chapters ><
Did you enjoy it?