Let Them Speak

Chapter 38 - Darryn

I watched helplessly as Addison collapsed to the ground, his entire world shattering. He was defenseless and heart broken. I could feel all that pain and fear, and it was terrible and crushing. But I let it come over me, so I could somehow absorb it so he wouldn’t have to feel it. But that’s not how my abilities work, I couldn’t take away emotions, I can only replace them. These emotions were just too strong to even think about replacing them unless I wanted a guarantee that I wanted to knock myself out.

I pulled Addison up to his feet and walked as fast as I could, helping him walk, partially dragging him. He went without resistance, and since my house was actually closer, I brought him there. We went straight to the basement and I laid him down on the couch.

I didn’t know if Haven was here with us or not, but I was sure she was. There was no way she’d leave her best friend like this.

Wait, she already had. She had taken the selfish way out and had left him to pick up the pieces.

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from saying any of this out loud.

“Hey, Addii, I’m going to go out and I’ll be back, okay? Stay down here and I’ll see you when I can,” I said in a calm, quiet voice and kissed the top of his head. He didn’t respond, but a horrible, almost silent sound came from his mouth, it sounded as if he was trying to hold back dying. I clenched my fists at my sides, then unclenched them and stroked Addison’s back.

Then I turned on my heel and walked from the basement, upstairs and out the door. I walked for a while, before I brought out my cell phone, called a few of my friends and found out where Bridgette lived.

She lived rather close to me actually.

The walk took only 10 minutes, and I was fuming when her mother answered the phone. Bridgette stood in the background as I greeted her mother.

“Are you here to talk to Bridgette?” She asked in a polite voice. I smirked at Bridgette.

“Well I was, but I’m sure you’d love to hear what I’d like to say as well.” I started then I was ushered into the house.

We stood in the hallway uncomfortably.

“You see, your daughter Bridgette has been bullying a girl at school for the past several months.” The only adult in the room shot the girl a look. “Recently, the girl commited suicide.” I states bluntly and Bridgette actually started to laugh, she thought I was joking.

“It will be in the news tomorrow morning. Thank you for your time,” I said with a strained smile and then I let myself out. The yelling started the moment the door shut behind me, so did the crying and the storm of emotions.

I went back to my house, made some sandwiches, then went down to the basement to help Addison in any way I could. I sat beside him, but didn’t touch him. I knew how the grieving system worked, you were angry at everything and everyone. I was no exception to this fact.

“What did you say to her?” Addison hissed and I looked down at him. His face was pale and tear stained. “She wont tell me anything.” I pursed my lips.

“I told her that Lacey was going to take care of Bridgette,” I said truthfully. Addison shot up really fast and fisted his hands in my collar, he slammed my back against the couch and I just stared back at him. He was pissed and depressed. And blaming me.

“Why didn’t you try and stop her?! Why didn’t you take me over to her?!” He shouted angrily and shook my body. I closed my eyes.

“I didn’t know until it happened, then you said to just go, we were going to go there, then you said hi to her and I knew it was already too late. You were seeing her-”

“Don’t say it Darryn,” he whispered. I nodded.

“Okay Addii,” I nodded. Then raised my arms, and placed my hands on his cheeks. He whimpered and collapsed, his hands now clutched my shirt as if just trying to hang onto life.

“Darryn, I don’t know how I can let her go,” he whispered. I rubbed his back.

“It gets better, I promise. You never really let them go, you accept it though, in a way. And I’m here for you Addison, through the whole thing. And Halloween is coming up in a few weeks, so maybe that will help?” I suggested, but he didn’t really respond, just nodded.

I put my arms around him and we just laid there, neither one of us moved or talked for a while.

“If you get hungry tonight, there’s a few sandwiches on the table for you,” I said before we both dozed off, exhausted of the day’s events.
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d'awwww, poor Addii!
Stress and action, it's going to start getting good! :)