Let Them Speak

Chapter 39 - Addison

I felt disgusted. Not just disgusted like I wanted to puke. I wanted to die. I wanted it to all end. The only thing keeping me here was Darryn. And, sadly. I wasn't sure if that was even enough. Suddenly, something occurred to me. Only Darryn and I knew. I had to tell her parents.

I pulled out my phone and Darryn gave me a look of understanding. He knew what I was doing. I dialed the number slowly, breathing deeply. I was scared. What would I say? What could I say? Then, Haven's mother answered the phone.


"Hello, Mrs. Neider."

"Oh, Addison! How nice to here from you! Haven's up in her room with the music blasting, I could go get her if you want."

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you..." I could feel my voice squeaking, tightening. How could I bring myself to tell her that her daughter was dead?

"About what?"

"Haven..." I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes. She was gone. Why'd she do it? She was an amazing person. A daughter, a friend, an individual. A life that had been to much for her. A life that many would miss.

"About about her?" The older woman's voice was happy and cheery. How could I shatter her heart?

"I'm afraid for her. She was talking crazy earlier," I lied, but I wasn't going to tell her I seen her daughter's ghost. "I'm afraid she might do something stupid... Could you please just check on her?"

"Yeah and I'll call right back if somethings wrong." She hung up the phone and I started crying again. I could almost imagine Mrs. Neider going up to Haven's locked door and pounding it, trying to get Haven to hear her over the music. I could almost her dad walking up the stairs and kicking the door in, only to find her body.

"Why'd you do it?" I turned to the ghost of Haven, She had this blank look on her face, now her image was zoning in and out of view like crazy.

"I don't know! I don't know!" Her voice was loud and fierce and I winced- as did Darryn, as if he'd heard it. He probably just felt my feeling of pain and fed off of it. If there was something about ghosts it was that sometimes they didn't know they died. And that any complications with their mental or physical state stayed with them. In this case, it was Haven's bipolar infliction that was making her spirit go crazy.

"Haven, just calm down!"

"Wait..." Something crossed over her face- something between anger and confusion. "How come you can see me?"

"Haven, you know I can see the dead. I've been able to for awhile. You know th-" That's when I realized that I'd never told Haven about my abilities. She was furious.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"It wasn't that important..."

"Of course it was! If my best friend can see the dead, I'd like to know!"

"I'm sorry..."

"It's a little to late to be sorry. I'm already dead!" Her voice literally shook the house. Darryn and I faltered, but stayed upright. I've seen some ghosts do things like this- like controlling the winds, fire, and even water, but never enough power to shake a house.

"Haven! I need to help you- I need to help you get Blessed!"

"Why should I get Blessed? I got the orientation. They said the Blessed would just be angels... The Shadows offer power. A power that I could have my revenge on Bridgette!" The house shook again.

"Addii, what's going on?" Darryn asked. He was smiling, but in a scared and concerned way. Haven looked disgusted. She waved her hand toward Darryn and a gust of wind blew him backward.

"Haven! Stop it!"

"Never! You're not a good friend, Addii! I will have my revenge on you and Bridgette. Just you wait!" With that, Haven vanished into thin air. Haven could be pretty dangerous alive- not to mention it'll be worse now that she has ghostly powers.

"She's gone..." I muttered, dropping to my knees. Darryn rushed to my side, trying to calm me down. I wouldn't let him. "Just... Don't."


"Don't! Don't touch me! Don't turn my feelings around! Don't look at me! I'm just a freak!"

"Addii, you're not a freak!" He was holding me now, rocking me back and forth.

"I am... Haven's dead. My parents are too. I don't want to live anymore... You're the only thing keeping me here." I cried even harder. "I miss them so fucking much, Darryn!"

"I know, Addii. I know." He kissed my forehead. I turned to stare into his beautiful brown eyes. Eyes that shined with a passion for me- a shine that held something no one had really ever shown me.

"Does it ever get better? Do you ever stop missing them?" His eyes were edged with tears.

"Never. But, you learn to live life. You learn to celebrate who they were, not to dwell on the things you never had the chance to do." He kissed my lips lightly.

"Darryn?'" I looked up at him. Every second spent with him, seemed to build my feelings for him- make them strong.


"I love you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that this chapter took so long! I've been busy- fixing my house, cleaning, falling head over heels for a special person. You know, the usual. Thanks for reading!