Let Them Speak

Chapter 41 - Addison

The words hung in my head as if they were stuck. He loved me. Darryn love me. He loved me. Me? Of all people? I was still depressed about Haven's death- and the fact that she wanted to join the Shadow just to seek revenge. Life -afterlife- was going to be pretty harsh.

Mrs. Neider hadn't called me back, but I secretly thought that she knew I'd known she was dead. And to make matters worse, school was in two days. I doubt we would have school on Monday. Then, a shift in Darryn's body brought me back to reality. I was laying on the floor with him, his arms wrapped around me tightly. But, that shift had loosened his grip just a little. Enough for me to pull away and get up.

I walked toward the door that led to the upstairs of the house. I was going to creep up the stairs silently, go home, go anywhere. I needed some air. Need my space. Time to think. But, Darryn's voice made me turn around.

"Where are you going?" He was half asleep, and he probably wouldn't even remember this in the morning.

"Going to the bathroom. Go back to bed, baby." With a sleepy grin, he layed back down and he quickly fell asleep. I quietly put on my shoes and crept up the stairs. The house was dark and unfamiliar, so it took awhile to find the front door. Once I found, I quickly went outside, closing the door silently.

I walked up and down the streets, not sure where to go. I check my phone: a little after midnight. No texts saying they were sorry for my loss. I doubt anyone cared about her. That she was gone. And that's why I understood why Haven wanted revenge. I would help her get back at the high school students- even if she still got revenge on me.

I ran toward the school- which was farther away then I imagined. It took a good twenty minutes before I got there. The doors were locked, but my dad had been a teacher here. He'd left a key to the school for me, for an emergency. I found it where it was cleverly hidden in a small nitch in the school statue. I unlocked the door and let it slam behind me.

"What are you doing?" Daniel Tarus asked as he materialized in front of me.

"Does it matter?"

"You're about to do something crazy!" He sounded frustrated.

"I'm just doing what every high schooler wishes they could do. I'm going to raise hell."

"Don't. It's stupid."

"Whatever." I didn't listen to his complaints anymore. I ran down the halls screaming. Screaming cuss words, screaming at the top of my lungs, almost even crying. I went to my science classroom first, throwing all the glass beakers and test tubes on the floor, laughing as they shattered. Next, I went to the Drama room and took all the cans of spray paint that they keep for painting extra things on the set. A smirk played on my lips, I knew what I had to do.

I did exactly can to my mind. In the freshman hallway, I wrote along the lockers, in big enough letters to cover one side of the hallway. It read: I'M WATCHING YOU!. Then, in the Sophomore hallway, I wrote: I'LL GET WHAT I DESERVE! Then, Junior hallway read: WATCH YOUR BACKS! Seniors' read: YOU'LL PAY FOR NOT CARING!

When I was finished, I went back to break whatever I could- windows, doors, everything. I was satisfied, but I needed to destroy something else. I felt a power inside me that needed to be unleashed. Then, when the feeling calmed down, I started crying. "Haven~!"

"Crying won't bring her back." Daniel appeared again, sitting down. I leaned against a locker and slid to the floor as well. "Neither will this." I knew he was referring to what I did tonight.

"Haven... She's going to join the Shadows, going to get her revenge and I'm just helping!"

"You need to help her get Blessed."

"I tried to get you blessed! I got Johnathan arrested! But, you're still here!"

"I'm not sure why I haven't moved on. Something tells me that as long as I'm alone... I can't go on. Can't be Blessed."

"I'm sorry. I thought I could help..."

"You did! You showed me a lot more compassion than anyone did when I was alive. I really appreciate that."

"I guess-"

"So, you speak to the dead." It was a new voice. I turned to find a girl- one I'd seen at school. A Junior, I think. She wasn't to popular, but wasn't out casted. Just coasted through the middle. I stood up as fast I could.

"No, I was just talking to myself. It helps me."

"No, you were talking to the dead." I looked her over. She was about my height, clear perfect skin. Pale blue eyes. Platinum blond hair. But, even with that appearance, a source of power just radiated off of her. It was almost intoxicating.

"What would give you that idea?" I was panicking. I couldn't let this stranger know my secret. She obviously new what I'd done here, seen my talking to Daniel. All I had to do was keeping denying her claims.

"Because-" She paused, smiling sweetly, her eyes speaking to mine. "I can see them too."
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I was in a little rut, but I found my writing, with the help of Mrs. Gey! =] I hope you like this chapter. Please comment, and please, for the love of god! Darryn's name is not Darrell!