Let Them Speak

Chapter 42 - Darryn

When I woke up Saturday morning, I was confused. Not even slightly confused, it was the type of confusion that made you squint, look around and wonder where the heck you were. Yeah, that kind.

Then I remembered I was in my basement and I was supposed to be sleeping beside Addison, but he was no where to be found.

And trust me, I looked. I looked around the basement, the main floor of the house, then the second floor, but there was no Addison. I couldn’t even feel any traces of his emotions left anywhere. Which meant that he had left hours ago.

I sighed and trudged into the kitchen, took down a bowl and started to pour some cereal, but I had to stop and grip the counter for support when my whole body shifted and my head buzzed with a dizzy spell.

I shoved the cereal and the bowl away from me and somehow made it to the couch without throwing up or falling over. I gently laid back on the couch and pressed the heels of my palms into the sockets of my eyes and took a few deep breaths.

You really shouldn't stress yourself like that Darryn, it's going to kill you one of these days. Chris’ voice echoed in my head and I sighed. I had half a mind to reply to her, but I knew it was side effects of using my abilities, delusions, headaches, dizziness, an aching pain in my whole body and possible nausea.

I’d be fine in a few minutes, the longest it’s lasted is about half an hour.

I tried to shut down my mind and body but the moment I started to do so, I’d start thinking about Addison. My mind wasn’t going to rest when he wasn’t anywhere to be found in my house, but then again, he could take care of himself, couldn’t he? What if he found someone better? I frowned at the subconscious question. What if he had, if he was happy, so was I. But that wasn’t the case whatsoever, I would be extremely jealous and possibly violent. Not towards Addison, probably towards whoever he was with at the moment.

“Darryn?” Came a slightly panicked shout from the front door. Dad was home.

“In here,” I called back, the side effects already starting to fade away.

“Oh god Darryn, I heard about that Haven girl at your school,” he said and filed into the room to sit by my feet. I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest.

“Yeah well, I didn’t know her that well,” I mumbled. I remembered Addison’s face when it dawned on him that he was actually talking to her ghost and not actually Haven.

“But you did know her,” he whispered and patted my leg. I wanted to draw away from him, shout or something, tell him to stop trying to understand me. But I kept my mouth shut.

“Yeah I guess,” I pulled my leg away from his touch, but there was only so much space I could put between us on the couch.

“Darryn, you know I’m here to talk, right?” He was trying to be nice, he was trying to be a parent. I had to keep reminding myself of that.

“Sure dad, whatever you say.” It must’ve come out a little harsh because he pulled away and his level of anger spiked.

“What the fuck do you mean by that?” He growled and I got up off the couch. Too quick; I stumbled and swayed sideways, I gripped a wall to keep myself from falling on my face. He took no notice of my sudden dizziness.

“Nothing dad,” I hissed and then took the rest of the steps toward my bedroom.

My father was yelling something at me from the foot of the stairs, but I couldn’t hear it through the pounding in my head.

Something was wrong, I couldn’t feel Addison, I had no idea where the fuck he was.
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Yeah guys, I'm so sorry!
I've been under the weather, a little depressed, and I haven't been in the mood to write anything, which is actually really hard to do, because I'm really passionate about my writing, but yeah...
Thanks Fluteprince for being so understanding, patient, and helping me with this idea ><