Let Them Speak

Chapter 43 - Addison

I woke up with sun shining in my eyes. I nearly freaked out. I was sitting straight up against a brick wall in the alley behind the general store. The funny thing was that I had gone home and went to bed. I quickly realized that Haven had done this. Sudden grief passed through me. My best friend was dead. I'd never told her my secret. Not to mention that she wanted her revenge on me.

I started crying. I also remembered what I'd done to the school last night. If anyone found out that I'd done that, I'd be in some serious trouble. Then, my thoughts shifted to the girl I'd met last night. Jenna. Jenna Hark. She'd talked to me for at least an hour.

She told me some pretty amazing things. For instance, she didn't gain her powers like I did. She'd been born with hers. And that also there were more than just me and her at our school who could see the dead, but she let them remain nameless. She told me that she'd learned to master her abilities, like turning her vision on and off, be able to see the Blessed and stop the Damned. She could even control the Shadows. I guess I was curious about the difference between the Damned and the Shadows, so I asked.

"The Damned are souls that have done bad and need to be punished. The Shadows are souls who've given up all they have, just for powers." Her words rang in my mind. She promised to teach me all she knew. And, one thing that she promised made me form a plan.

"Halloween is coming up, do you know what that means?" She had asked me. The conversation was beginning to play in my head.

"No, not really."

"Halloween is the day when the line between the dead and the living is the weakest. More ghosts will be here, but there is something good about it."

"And that would be?"

"It's the only day when people like us are able to raise the dead."

The conversation ended as my phone rang. I looked at it and soon as I saw that It was from Mrs. Neider, I immediately answered it.

"I know you've probably heard by now..." Mrs. Neider sniffled and I started to cry, indicating that I did know about Haven. "I wanted to tell you that the funeral will be on November first. Just so the excitement of Halloween is not a distraction and that's the only day our family can make it. I thought you should know."

"Thank you." My words were soft. Neither of us said goodbye, but she hung up first. I didn't judge. I completely understood. November first was her funeral. Not if I can help it, I thought. Jenna talked about raising the dead. I could do it before she would be buried and save me some digging. But, I'd need Jenna's help.

I looked down at my hand where Jenna had written her number with a Sharpie. I quickly entered her as a contact in my phone. Then, I called her. She answered on the first ring, making me think she'd been watching her phone, wondering when I'd call.


"Yeah... Listen, I think I might need your help."

* * * * *

I walked slowly to Darryn's house. I'd went home first to change. I was back to baggy hoodie, sun glasses and contacts. Amazing. Just when life got comfortable, it had to spiral downward. I knocked a few times before Darryn answered the door. He didn't say anything, just wrapped me in a huge hug.

"I missed you too." I laughed. He pulled me inside.

"Where did you go? I woke up and you weren't there." His tone was trying not to be harsh, but I could tell he was angry.

"I went home. I just needed time to myself." I lied, but it did have some truth to it. I decided not to tell him about my plan to raise Haven, nor about Jenna. He relaxed a little and pulled me to his basement.

"Just, next time, leave me a note, okay?" I nodded and laughed slightly. "You really freaked me out."

"Sorry." I kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled at this and pulled my into a tighter hug than before.

"Listen, I need to distract myself today, so let's do something." I smiled, wondering how long I could keep this secret. I hoped for awhile. Plus, I had to keep my meeting with Jenna that I was planning to have tonight a secret as well. I had to lie. It was the only way.
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Sorry, but this chapter is short, but needed. Sorry for the late updates, and we would love to have some comments!