Let Them Speak

Chaper 46 - Darryn

Spending a day without Addison, it was hard to even come up with something to do. I would normally go and hang out with Lacey, or her friends, or people from school, go to a party or something. But I couldn’t find anything to do.

I ended up going into town with mom’s car that we kept in the garage. I had to dust the inside and outside first however, but once I gave it once over and started it, it was as good as before.

I drove around aimlessly for a good hour, but not really seeing anything.

Then I spotted the one thing I didn’t think I’d see. Addison was walking around, laughing and carrying on with some girl I had never seen before. I nearly stopped and demanded him to tell me who she was and why he hadn’t told me about her, but I drove right past them without looking back.

Probably a friend of Haven’s, they had probably hooked up to talk about her, to mourn. People had tried to do that with me, but it just wasn’t the same when they were years younger or older then me.

I parked the car on the side of the street, then got out, feed the meter, and started to walk around.

I stopped in a few stores, and on the fourth store, I nearly knocked into Lacey. She smiled as if happy to see me.

“Hey,” she whispered. I smiled back.

“Hey,” I echoed. I kissed her cheek and laced my arm over her shoulders. We walked a little in silence, it felt like before, only without the pressure to keep up the appearance of dating.

“How’s Addison?” She asked and led us to a bench, we sat down and shifted to get comfortable, but still facing each other to talk.

“He’s good.” My smile felt too big, goofy. She chuckled.

“You’re glowing. You always glowed after we had sex, have you guys-”

“Yeah, we have. Last night was the second time,” I interrupted her and tested the air for her emotions, she was calm about all of this.

“Oooh! Well, how was it?” She smirked as my face reddened.

“Well, it’s different, but it feels right.” I closed my eyes. “He has this place, a dip in his lower back, right at his tailbone, and the noises he makes,” I trailed off when a woman walked past, a weird look on her face. I realized that she must’ve heard a snippet of our conversation.

“Hahaha, keep your voice down, these poor people and their virgin ears,” Lacey exclaimed, laughing. She seemed different in a way.

“Are you dating anyone?” I asked. She smiled.

“Well, not yet, but I’m working on it. I actually have to fight for this one,” she said and twirled a piece of hair in her fingers. I smiled.

“What’s his name?” I asked, genuinely curious. She blushed.

“Jamie York. He’s a senior,” she replied and ran her hands through her hair. I smiled tightly.

“If he hurts you, I’m going to hurt him ten times worse, kay?” I said and she paled. Lacey knew I would too.

“Okay, but I don’t think he wont. And if he does, you’ll be the first to know,” she said, still paler then usual.

“So, that Haven girl killed herself, huh?” Lacey said and I nodded solemnly.

“Yeah, it hit Addison pretty hard. Though I don’t think it’s hit him completely yet,” I said and Lacey nodded.

“Darryn, how come you never told me about your mom and Karen?” She asked and I briefly wondered how this conversation had switched from sex to the dead.

“You never asked. My father asked the papers not to give the story out to the public and well, we’ve kept it covered up, no one knew about it until now, only you and Addison know about it, other then the family.” I told her truthfully. She nodded.

“Was I that terrible, that you couldn’t trust me with even that stuff?” She asked and I pursed my lips.

“No, I just didn’t want anyone to know Lacey, and well, you have a big mouth.” I said with a slight joking tone and I was glad that Lacey picked up on it, she smirked and playfully slapped my arm.

“Well yeah, it comes in handy,” she winked and we both laughed.

“Well I gotta get home Lacey, it was nice seeing you,” I said and kissed her cheek. I got up, Lacey did too, then we went the opposite directions, I went to my car and Lacey went deeper into town.

I drove myself to my house, left the front door unlocked and went to my room and laid on the bed, I curled up with my sheets and waited for Addison to come. If he was coming here, he could go home or go with that blonde girl I had seen him with.
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