Let Them Speak

Chapter 47 - Addison

Jenna was pretty great. She was funny, beautiful, and just nice. She listened to me talk about Darryn and for once, I felt like someone actually liked to hear things about me. It was refreshing. Then, some how, she'd gotten me to open up about the one thing that bugged me about Darryn.

"Some times, I doubt if I truly love him. Wait, that sounds bad. I love him, I'm just not sure if he's making me love him." I'd told her about Darryn's powers. I mean, it couldn't be that strange to hear about when you see the dead, turn invisible, and levitate- among other things.

"You know, I can do some empathy stuff too." She replied. She taught me one very important lesson about her powers. Anything a ghost could do, she could. It was a creepy thought, but I didn't mind the power.

"Really? Like control feelings?"

"Exactly! And, it didn't take me to long to learn... You can do exactly what he does with a little practice. You'll be able to counter his powers and cancel them out- just to see if you're really feeling it."

"And the catch is?"

"You'll have to Soul Reap something, something a little bigger than a cat. A sick dog or something." A shudder ran through my body- first disgust, then a feeling of longing. It was like a high, a feeling of power.

"Let's do it."

* * * * * * * *

You'd be amazed at how easy it is to find a sick, dying dog. Jenna knew exactly where it was. At first I was afraid she planned it, but she said she could feel when people or things were dying. I Soul Reaped it, then I felt powerful, adding Darryn's powers to my own. I quickly learned that I could feel others, just make them feel. It was nearing sunset when I decided to test my new skill out.

I stood outside Darryn's window and looked around. Once I saw that no one was watching, I levitated up and into his room. It was dark and empty. I sat on his bed and waited. He was probably eating dinner or something. About fifteen minutes later, his door opened.

"Hey Darryn.." I whispered seductively, trying not to giggle. He was frightened no doubt, but with my new skill, I took down the frightfulness, but not enough because he still yelled.

"Holy fucking Jesus!" He turned on the light to fin me sprawled out on his bed, smiling like an idiot.

"Surprised?" I asked. I let out my giggle, but he didn't have time to answer.

"Is everything okay up there?" His father called from downstairs.

"Yeah, just stubbed my toe!" Darryn lied and shut the door, making his way to the bed. "What are you doing here?" His tone didn't imply anger, but it stung a little.

"Nothing..." I felt him trying to make me feel something, though I wasn't sure what. Then, I put my empathy skills to work, causing a swirl of feelings to block his and in the end result- I was completely and totally in love with his sexy ass.

"Okay then..." He smiled, not aware of what I'd done. Not aware of my plan to bring Haven back. Not aware of Jenna. Not aware of my new powers. He was falling behind and I felt a sudden pang of guilt.

"I'm sorry for leaving earlier... I shouldn't of taken that so harshly. I think it's still the grief. I miss Haven. But, I love you. I shouldn't of over reacted."

"It's okay. I shouldn't of said it. And I love you too." I took his hand and pulled him to the bed. He wasn't on top of me, but the closeness made an erection already form. It didn't help when he kissed me. I wanted to have sex right now. I'd always heard that make up sex was the best.

"So, what did you do today?" He asked. Shit. Panic ran through me and I bet he felt it. What could I say? I had to think of something. And quick.

"Not much."

"I was driving around town and I saw you with some girl..." His voice sounded hurt. He knew I was gay, so why would it matter if I was with a girl? It made no sense to me. But, the fact that he cared and that it showed on his face made me smile.

"Yeah. her name's Jenna. She's really cool."

"What'd you guys do today?" He asked, actually curious. I didn't answer, but I pulled him on top of me, so that he was straddling me. I smiled seductively and bit my lip. He took that as a sign to drop it and he started to kiss me with force, touching that dip in my back. I made a muffled moan into his lips and he smiled.

His shirt slid off as he grinded his hips against mine. I moaned louder and my shirt slid off too. He was kissing me with intensity and I didn't want it to stop. I loved him and I deserved to be happy. To be distracted.

My lips met his again as I arched forward as he slid my pants off. I whimpered and he moaned at it.

"Damn, your sexy." I muttered between kisses. He started kissing down my body and I shuddered. Damn, why was he so good at this? Suddenly, I needed him. All of him. I couldn't bare it any more! I grabbed his clothed erection and started to rub.

"Baby....fuck me..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, Addii's turning into a little evil slut. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. =]