Let Them Speak

Chapter 5 - Addison

The day seemed to go by fast, because, before I realized it, school was out and I was on my walk back home. I'm not sure why Haven wasn't walking with me- probably still pissed about yelling at her. She'd get over. But, what I couldn't get over was Darryn.

He'd gotten there, and when he put my sun glasses back on, he seemed to calm me down. No just from the glasses- though I'm sure they helped- but from his touch. He'd calmed me down so quickly. I didn't even have time to thank him before he'd rushed out of the class.

When I'd made my way back to my Aunt Harmony's house, I found Jaysen sitting on the front porch steps. Jaysen was Aunt Harmony's oldest kid. He was 19 and kind of a jerk. He visited from time to time, and despite my whole accident, he takes it upon himself to constantly put me down.

"Hey faggot." He said as I walked past him. I just scoffed, went inside and slammed the door. I made my way into the kitchen where Aunt Harmony sat at the table. She seemed to just be reading the news paper and drinking some mid-day coffee.

"I'm home." I said smiling. My Aunt Harmony was one of the only family members I liked. I used to like a bunch of them, but after the accident and the social worker was trying to find me a home, only Aunt Harmony offered. Otherwise, I'd be in an orphanage right now.

"Did you see Jaysen?" She asked. Jaysen was her pride and joy- football star, good grades, good friends. She just didn't know how mean he was and I wasn't about to tell her.

"Yeah. It's nice he's back for awhile." I faked smile. Over the last year, I'd become an expert on how to fake happiness.

"Actually," She said, her long brown hair waving in the slight breeze coming from the window. "He's going to move back for awhile. Isn't that great?" She squealed like a child and I just kept smiling. Moving back? Great.

"Uh, I've got a ton of homework. I'll be down later." I lied, grabbing my backpack strap and settled it on my shoulders again. She nodded and I quietly went upstairs. The upstairs was truly on small room, with three doors leading to different places. Forward, was the door to the bathroom. To the right was my aunt's daughter's room. To the left, was mine. Usually, I would've gone straight to my room, but instead, I turned right and opened the door.

Danni was sitting on her bed, typing furiously on her laptop. She looked up me, then back at the screen. She was the spitting image of her mother, without the wrinkles of course. Her long brown hair was naturally curly and hung well past her shoulders. Her dark eyes matched both Jaysen's and her mother's. Her skin was also tanned to perfection.

"Yes?" She asked, sighing. She was eighteen, a senior and didn't like to be bothered by "sophomore scum" like me.

"Why the hell is Jaysen moving back?" I asked. She looked up. We had a common interest- a hate for her brother.

"That dick is moving back because his girlfriend kicked his ass out of her apartment. He ain't got no job either, so he can't get a place to stay. Which makes "Mommy's House" his only choice." She scowled.

"Good for his girlfriend," Both Danni and I laughed. Then, she suddenly stopped and stared at me.

"Is that all, Addii?" She asked smoothly.

"Pretty much."

"Then get the hell out of my room!" She yelled as I quickly exited her room. I was about ready to open my bedroom door, but then I heard my bed creaking. Curiously, I pushed the door open, worried about what I'd find.

To my surprise, It was little blond boy. He was tall for being 13 and was incredibly good looking. He wore a light blue v-neck and black skinny jeans that were probably his sisters. His smile was gorgeously white and his jade green eyes glinted with lust.

"Aiden, why the fuck are you in my room?" I asked the younger boy. Aiden was more openly gay than I was, but if you didn't know I was gay, you could just look at my clothes and tell that I was. Aiden was Haven's little brother and ever since I moved here, he'd had a HUGE crush on me.

"Just relaxing." He smiled again. I'm not sure why, but I went towards him. I was about to pull him up, but I figured this was a good-a-time as any to talk some sense into him. I sat down next to him, and put my hand on his knee.

"Look, Aiden, I don't like you like that. Your my friend." I smiled shortly, but then, I was pushed gently backward onto my bed, Aiden crawling on top of my body, kissing me tenderly. Maybe it was the kissing or just having a body this close to mine, but I started kissing him back. This went on for a good ten minutes.

Reality struck me when I realized I was lying there shirtless, making out with a boy three years younger than me.

"Aiden! Stop! I don't like you like this." I said, pushing him away.

"Yeah, you do. Your just worried about our age, aren't you." I mean, sure, if he were a couple years older, I'd let this happen. But he wasn't, this couldn't happen.

"Go home, Aiden. Never speak of this again." I said, sliding my shirt back on. I knew for a fact he wouldn't tell anyone, but I would have to tell his sister, just to make sure he didn't.

He opened my window, and started to climb down the tree next to it. When he'd reached the ground, I whipped out my cell and called Haven.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly.

"Haven, I'm sorry about earlier. I was just angry." If it were possible, I could her mood shift and I knew she was my friend again.

"Okay. You're forgiven." There was pause- she'd obviously forgotten I'd called for a reason. "So, what's up?"

"First off, your brother is a little slut." I tried to laugh. I knew she'd talk to him about it for me.
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Thanks for reading. I can't even express how thankfully I am toward Mrs Gey for doing this story with me. I know this chapter was short, but I needed to introduce his "family" and his mini-stalker. Thanks for reading. make sure to subscribe =]