Let Them Speak

Chapter 51 - Unknown

"Worthless," I muttered, checking my watch. He should've been here an hour ago. That's what happened when you trusted a ghost seeing fag. I scoffed. I hardly cared, but he needed to train. It would make him stronger- make me stronger.

"Who is?" Lacey asked. I turned to her, sneering. I shook my head, signaling that I didn't want to talk about it. If she'd only knew the things I could do, the things I'd done. If she'd known that I was responsible for three of the murders in this town, I'm not sure what she'd do.

And yes, you heard me right.

I am responsible fore three deaths.

The first, Daniel Tarus. He could see the dead like I could, but couldn't come to grips with it. He was my best friend back in those days, but when he got his abilities, he became distant. I didn't blame him, but this plan formed in my head. I'd read that Soul Reaping animals was a power source, but Soul Reaping another who could see the dead? It was like an untapped energy source.

You'd be surprised how easy it is to change your form, shift it into anybody you wanted. And that night, I had to be Lacey's ex-boyfriend -Johnathan- who is now in prison. No one would ever suspect me. No one.

So, I killed Daniel. He never saw it coming. I reaped his soul, and my powers grew- but they came with a price. A unsatisfiable hunger. A hunger for that same energy. The next person I killed was just to easy. A fifth grader, one who'd hardly realized her imaginary friends were actually dead people. Sad, really.

And finally, the third. She was a mere child, perhaps older than the fifth grader. She could see the dead, but had learned how to tune it out, how to make sure no one ever found out. She was the one who was hardest for me -emotionally- to kill. I set the hotel on fire, killing both the girl and her mother. That girl was Karen Phillips.

With Karen's soul drifting restlessly in my body, I'd gained tremendous talents. Like, for instance, immortality. I mean, If I were to be shot, I'd die, but if people left me alone, I'd stay young and beautiful forever. I would've been happy with just that, but that hunger rose again, and that's why I needed Addison. My other killings had been too inexperienced, but if I trained him to have at least half of my abilities, it would make all that more of a difference.

My plan was to train him, give him talents, power, everything he wanted. Then, like the wind, I'd kill him. He'd never suspect it from me. My bedroom door opened and my step brother, Tyler Voda, stepped in.

"Where is he!" I demanded.


"I know what happened!" I used my talents to make sure Lacey didn't hear this, but Tyler knew about me, and was more than happy to help kill people. But, he'd taken an interest in Addison. "I can see things before they happen! Raping him was not part of the plan!"

"I couldn't help it!"

"You-" I looked at his neck. It was bruised. I hadn't seen that part in my head. Tyler hadn't raped him. Someone had intervened. "Who was it?"

"Darryn. Darryn Phillips." He nodded, and rubbed his neck. I strode toward him, put my hands on his neck and started to work my talents. I made sure Lacey wouldn't remember this, but I healed Tyler. He sighed happily when I finished.

"Stay away from them both. Addii and Darryn." I smirked. "I think me and Darryn should get to know each other... Hey, Lacey, you know Darryn's address."

"Yeah, but I shouldn't give it out-" My eyes caught hers and my mouth twisted into a smirk. Possession was too easy.

"Tomorrow. You will give it to me tomorrow." Again, I shielded Lacey's vision as I transformed my body from a tall, beautiful blond girl- to a short, blond boy with sunglasses. "It's time he got out of my way."

I smirked, my voice sounded exactly like Addison. Tomorrow, I'd become Addison, turn Darryn against him. It was perfect. Addison would become more focused on me, well, until I drove him into drinking. Alcohol numbed the bond between the dead, making us normal. So, once he was half my strength, he'd begin to drink -it becomes addictive to people like us- so he couldn't use his powers against me. His soul would be mine.

I would be the most powerful entity of all.
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I guess it's pretty obvious who the 'unkown' point of view is, but if you can't figure it out, I'm not telling. Sorry that it's so short and keep comin' with the comments! Love you guys.