Let Them Speak

Chapter 53 - Addison

The dark mist seemed to swirl around me, coiling me, tightening it's snake like grip. It seemed to have a mind of it's own, sort of like a person. And, that's what it became. The gray mist stopped clouding around me and seeped forward, twisting and turning until a person was left in it's place- Jenna.

"Jenna!" I ran toward her. She looked terrible. She was on her knees, gripping her stomach. Her usually flawless face was covered with cuts and bruises and her usual water blue eyes had a weird metallic tint to them,

"Addii! Don't listen-" She was cut off as a small amount of gray mist swirled out of her mouth, forming into a new shape. The mist kept flowing out of her mouth, connecting her to the monster I'd used to have nightmares about- one of the shadow men who'd given me this power.

It turned into a long, slender shadow with wings. It didn't go anywhere, it seemed to only be connected to this world by Jenna's mouth.

You do not belong here! We've given you a second chance! Use it! He spoke only through my mind. It's voice was deep and it struck fear right into my heart. Panic rose into my chest, but he urged me to calm down.

"What do you mean?"

Your in grave danger! You must get away! You and Darryn both! I wanted to ask where and why, but my dream changed. I was now in a windy meadow, the wind blowing through my hair. I was only wearing my boxers. I looked to my right just in time to see Darryn stride toward me, completely unaffected by the wind.

"I love you." His voice wasn't his, it was my father's. His face morphed into everyone whom I'd ever loved- my mother, my father, Darryn, and finally, Haven. I looked her up and down.

That's when I noticed that this wasn't a normal dream. Haven had created it. It all shattered around me as I woke.

"Boo." Haven muttered, floating above me. I sat up real fast, causing Darryn to wake up. But, I didn't care. All that mattered was Haven.

"Haven! Stop! I'm going to help you!" I thought about it. Halloween was in a week. If she could wait, Jenna and I would resurrect her. From there, we'd have to hide her. So, Haven and I -possibly Darryn if he wanted to go- would run far away from here.

"What are you talking about!" Haven and Darryn yelled at the same time. I snarled at Darryn, but continued talking to Haven.

"I'll resurrect you! In a week! You'll be alive again!" At that moment, Daniel Tarus appeared as well. They were both angry with me, I could feel it in the energy they sent off. They wanted to harm me. I was trembling.

"You're being ridiculous!" Their voices was in perfect unison, one high, one low. It was creepy. "You're straying from your path! You're in danger! Do not trust her!"

What did they mean? Jenna? They vanished with a frown and I turned to Darryn. Maybe they were right. I should get away. I wondered if he would go with me. I felt a cool tear fall as Darryn pulled me into a hug.

"What's wrong?" I pushed him away, getting out of his bed. I was bare naked and ready to leave. I grabbed a pair of Darryn's boxers from his drawer -just to have clean ones- and put them on.

"I have to leave." I picked up my skinny jeans and struggled to put them on. By this time Darryn had gotten up. He was naked too. How I longed to have him fuck me again. I shook the thought out of my head and searched for my shirt. It was nowhere to be seen.

"To go where?" His voice was stern, but he slipped on a pair of boxers as well. I wasn't really sure. Somewhere safe. Possibly a beach house or something. I was beginning to see the evil in Jenna. No one can just kill an animal and not feel guilty.

"Damn, where is my shirt!" I looked down and pulled on some socks. I picked on of my shoes and slid it on. The other followed a little after. "I'm not sure. Haven and Daniel say it's not safe around here."

"Why not?"

"I'm not sure! But I have to go!"

"Addison! I-"

"I love you, but I have to." I found my shirt and slipped it on. I looked at my boyfriend, the love of my life. He was tall, gorgeous. Dark hairs and dark eyes. Tan skin. At the moment, he had slipped jeans on, but something about it was still sexy.

"I-" He started, but stopped, looking into my eyes. He had a sort of pleading in them. It was crazy idea, but I wanted him to go with me.


"Yes, Addii?"

"Will you go with me?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this chapter feels rushed or anything, cause it was. I still hope you like it, but will they be able to get away? Anyway, Me and Mrs. Gey have started a new story calledRazor Blades And Band-Aids. It's not supernatural, but filled with intruige and scandal.