Let Them Speak

Chapter 55 - Addison

"Wow. She can do all that from just taking the souls of animals?" I nodded. I'd just told him all I knew about Jenna. He seemed astonished. So did I. The more I explained her, the more I realized how evil she was. I had to admit to him that I reaped a couple souls as well. Darryn shook his head. "Damn."

"I should have never trusted her." I spat.

"No, Addii, you did what you had to. Another one like you? You couldn't miss that chance. Listen, we need to get far away-"

"No." Is all I muttered.


"No. We're not running. I spent the last year running from things, Darryn! I ran from the Shadows. I ran from my parents death and the grief I felt. I ran from the pain of losing Haven, but I'll tell you something. I will not, no, wait- I refuse to run from Jenna." My eye were watery, but I didn't mind.

"So, what do we do?"

"Listen, pull into the next gas station." His eyes drifted from the road and onto me. I read a sign saying the next gas station was ten miles from here. I sighed. "I've got something to take care of."

* * * * *

Darryn had pulled into the gas station. Before I did what I planned, I would need to go to the bathroom, get drinks, coffee, and snacks. I had a feeling it was going to be a long night. I went into the gas station while Darryn waited in his father's car. I walked right into the snack aisle where I was greeted by a beautiful boy.

He was about my age. He was tall, lanky. He had white hair with blue mixed in. He wore the same Batman converse and skinny jeans. He was wearing a plaid button up that stood out against his pale skin and green eyes.

"Hi." He smiled weakly. I nodded and bit my lip. He was cute, but in an adorable way, not like potential crush. He picked up a candy bar, inspected it, then set it down.

"Those are good." I laughed, eyeing the candy he'd replaced.

"Never tried 'em." I flicked his eyes toward another candy bar and picked up. "Now, these are good. Anyway, I'm Avery."

"Addison." He smiled at me, but that was the end of our encounter. He left and I finished my business and exited. I didn't go back to the car, though. I went to the back of the gas station and concentrated.

"Haven! Daniel!" I called out, trying to harness the two's energy and pull them to me. Eventually, they did appear in front of me. Haven was actually smiling, but Daniel was flickering like crazy, a light gold line surrounding his transparent body. He kept mouthing the words so alone over and over again.


"I'm sorry." She said it first. I was relieved. "It was a talent that I probably would've never believed you had. You didn't have to tell me. I'm sorry for trying to get revenge. I miss my best friend."

"I don't blame you. I should have told you! You were my best friend. I loved you." Suddenly, she was surrounded by a golden light as well. Her light seemed to glow brighter than Daniel's. That's when I realized what was happening- it had happened to Chris and Karen. They were going to be Blessed.

"It's time for you to move on. Both of you."

"But, I'm so a-"

"Alone? Not anymore." I turned to Haven. "Stick with Daniel for awhile. For me?"

"Sure. I've grown a little fond of him... Is it wrong for the dead to date?" We laughed and I started to cry. She was going to be gone forever. I knew this. She would move on to a better place. "Don't cry, Addii. This is for the best."

"I'll miss you." I smiled when she tried to lay her hand on mine. She nodded to let me know she'd miss me too. Then, they were starting to be enveloped in a white, blinding light. In a matter of seconds, the two were gone. I stalked back to the car, crying. Darryn didn't say a word, but I knew he understood what happened. It didn't take me long to drift into a deep sleep.

"You're not getting away that easy." Jenna smirked. She'd told me she could invade dreams and I knew she was doing it now. "I guess you know all about my evil plan."

"Not exactly." I turned to face her. In this dream, she was letting Shadows climb all over her, but the didn't harm her. They were being
born from her.

"Oh, well, as villains usually do, I'll reveal my plan." She grinned. "I've been killing and killing things to gain ultimate powers. Bugs, animals, and- people. You actually know who they are. One boy, Daniel Tarus. One girl, Jessica Route. And the last girl, Karen Phillips. All ghost seeing kids."

"Karen! You bitch!" I lept out for her, but she merely side stepped. It was a dream- her dream. She controlled what could and couldn't happen.

"But, see, they weren't powerful enough. They weren't trained.But you are. I shall have your soul. I will find you. In fact, reading your brain, I know exactly where you are at all times. And, I'm not that far ahead of where you are. You could run, but you won't make it far."


"You know what? I'll kill Darryn while you can do nothing about it. You'll watch him die. Then, when I kill you, I will Damn your soul."

"Jenna!" I lunged forward against, but as I would've made contact, they dream dissolved and I awoke.

"Babe, you okay?" Darryn asked, trying to keep his eyes on the road, but obviously concerned.

"Yeah. But I can't run. Jenna's waiting for us. Turn left. I have a battle to fight."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that this chapter is so short, but we're trying to finish this story, so we can concentrate on Razor Blades And Band-Aids. I hope you enjoy! :D