Status: This story is finished.

The Claws from Hell

Chapter 1

Lilith walked up to the huge wooden doors, her Lord’s etched body looking down at her. She pushed open the door with her scaly hands. Her sharp eyes scanning the room as she walked with her head held high towards her Lord. She looked calm and collective but inside; she was scared out of her mind.

The only demons that ever got called to Hade’s throne room were the ones that went up to Earth and brought down the souls of sinners. Them… and demons that have somehow wronged him and are going to get their punishment.

She was nervous. She wasn’t one of the demons that go to collect souls but she didn’t think she had wronged him. But who can really know if they didn’t do anything wrong.

Hades sat on his throne, his oily red skin glistened from the fire above his head. Beside him were two Cerberuses, three-headed dogs that looked to be made out of stone, breathe fire, and make sure no soul ever leaves Hell without Hades wish. They growled at her loudly, bits of lava drooling from their mouths, getting in a position to jump at her at any moment.

Lilith knew she would never stand against two Cerberuses. She was strong, as all demons were, but small. These Cerberuses were full grown, almost the size of her and they were killed to kill and torture anyone or anything their master tell them too.

Gray beads of sweat dribbled down her scaled back. Demon didn’t sweat like humans, of course. Their sweat ranges from a light gray to a jet black. Scales didn’t run all over Lilith’s body, but it did cover most of it. Green and black scales covered half her face and wrapped around her arms and back.

She stopped a few feet from Hades and bowed her head slightly in respect.

"Lilith, welcome," Hades said in a deep haunting voice. His head was covered by the hood of his cloak. "Do you know why you were summoned here?"

Lilith shook her head lightly. "No m-my Lord." She mentally slapped herself for looking weak. Hades fed on fear and weakness.

The Cerberuses were still growling at her, itching to lunge at her at taste her flesh. Hades lifted his hand off the three-headed dog’s head and laced his big, rough fingers together.

“There is a soul that I want to collect at Earth but there have been a shortage of collectors since a few of them decided to go against me. Of course they are being handled with as we speak.” his laugh was cold, as he enjoy thinking about the demons being tortured. “After consulting with some of your peers I have decided that you would be perfect for the job.”

Lilith’s eyes bugged out of her head. “Me? You think I’d be good at collecting souls.”

He nodded. “It is what you’re race does. You were born to collect the souls of the unworthy.” He uncrossed his fingers and one hand disappeared underneath the shadows of his face. “I sense a hesitation. Do you not want to fulfill what you were meant to do?” Under his hood, Lilith could see two dim red lights starting to grow.

“I-I would be honored sir.”

He laughed deeply. “Like you had a choice.” One of the dogs walked away from Hades and up to Lilith, sniffing at her curiously.

She tensed and as if the dog smelled the fear and the tenseness, it dug its teeth deeply into her leg. She screamed, the pain was unbearable. It felt like her leg fell in molten lava, giving her 3rd degree burns instantly. Tears spilled from her eyes as she beat at the dog, trying to get it off her.

After what seems like hours, though only a minute or so, Hades called off the Cerberus. “If you don’t do this task I’m giving you, be prepared to spend eternity in the Cerberuses chambers.”

She gulped and nodded, standing up painfully. She tried not to put much weight on the hurt leg.

He motioned Lilith to come closer. She limped towards him as he reached beside him to grab something. When Lilith got close enough, Hades handed her the Claws of Hades.

She gasped. She has never seen them before but she knew what they were. They had silver handles with deadly spikes and the claws were a liquidly purple. At the end of the handle, there were chains to hold on to when a demon throws them.

“I’m assuming you are aware of what these are.” He paused but she knew not to talk. “These are the Claws of Hades. They grab hold to a person’s soul and rips it out of the person’s body dragging them down to me. These are very powerful, only a few demons are able to use them. They are not to be taken lightly. You can not just take a person’s soul from them. You must torture them. Beat them, make them beg for mercy, wish for death, before you finish the deed. It lets them know what is in store for them for the rest of eternity.” His laugh was filled with evil.

“Will do my Lord.” Lilith wasn’t so sure if she could though. She has never been to Earth, definitely not to do a task like this one.

With the wave of his hand, he dismissed her. She bowed slightly before limping her way towards the doors.

* * *

A week later, Lilith was brought up to Earth, seeing it for the first time. Her eyes scanned the city of Boston, looking in wonder at the tall buildings and the hundreds on people walking at such a late time at night. She hid in the shadows, knowing that if she was seen then Hades would do something horrible. Humans can’t know about any creatures that live in Hades until it is their time. Tonight it’s only Adam Manson who would find out about demons and Hell.

Lilith didn’t know exactly what he had done, but she didn’t care. She maneuvered herself through shadows, finding the man’s apartment by scent. She slid into the building, snaking her way up the stairs until she got to the third floor where the man’s scent was radiating at the door.

She tried the doorknob; unlocked. She let herself in, gliding across the floor in a silent matter. The apartment was dark, but she knew he was here and he was alone. Lilith found the man in a bedroom, snoring away without a care in the world.

She didn’t know how to start what she was meant to do; no one has ever trained her. She didn’t need to think about it much longer, for the man must have sensed a presence and woke from his sleep.

Adam tiredly rubbed his eyes and when they fell on Lilith, he went to scream. But he didn’t have time.

Before he even got a peep out of his mouth, Lilith’s hand instantly went to her pocket, pulled out the Claws of Hades, and whipped them, the claws scratching the man on the cheek. The claws came straight back to her and she whipped them again, but this time on the other side of his face.

The man fell off the bed, shaking and twitching in pain. That was when Lilith realized why the purple looked to be liquid. It’s because it was liquid. She knew it must have been a kind of poison. The tips of the claws only leak enough to hurt the human though, so Adam wouldn’t die from the poison.

Lilith whipped him again, this time the claws hit him in the chest, digging into his flesh and pulling out a nipple piercing. He cried out, clutching his bleeding chest and shivering like mad.

He tried to crawl away, but with the poison swimming through his veins, he couldn’t go very far. Blood poured on the floor as the claws kept raining down on him. He begged for mercy, he begged her to leave him and let him die in peace. But she knew he really wasn’t going to die from the wounds she was inflicting on him.

The smell of blood, fear, torment was in the air and she loved it. She inhaled deeply. There was a certain thrill Lilith’s never felt before, and she knew it was from doing this. She was meant to do this.

There was a part of her that was telling her it was time, time to take this man’s soul. She swung the claws in a fast circle a few time before they shot out and dragged onto the man’s chest. Then she pulled.

At first nothing happened except Adam screaming in pain until something translucent started to get pulled away from his body. The soul tried to climb its way back inside its home but Lilith wouldn’t let it. She pulled the chain tightly, dragging the soul closer and closer to her until they were only inches apart.

The claws started to glow a bright purple as it sucked the soul inside so it couldn’t escape.

Lilith started to shake from all the excitement. She felt an overwhelming power she never felt before.

One thing for sure, she couldn’t wait for the next time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you enjoyed. Comments are always welcomed.