Vampires Will Never Hurt You...Much

Chapter Two

I am wiL, wiL Francis. I sing. They listen. I bite. They bleed. I suck. They die. I fuck. And they belong to me. I am a vampire. I can’t remember how old I am, or how long it’s been. I remember walking her home, kissing her goodnight. I remember pulling out my gun and heading for a murderous rampage. But I met him on the way. I was turned when I was seventeen. Forever in eternity I will have the body of a seventeen year old. I had no ambition, no goals. I wanted to drink blood, bleed and fuck. I was a low class vampire. Was.

When I first realized I wanted to be in a band I stepped up. I realized all the angst I felt when I was alive would be useful. And all this lust I feet as a vampire would draw them all to me.
I met Nick and Angel first. Jake and Jake next. I offered them all my blood. They agreed to stay with me but refused to be turned, Something about loving life.

I never had that choice. I never loved life until I was dead. Once I killed my master I gained all of his servants. I killed most of them, they posed no use to me. My master was a street lord. He only bit me because he thought I was hot. Disgusting old man. Now I was free and I intended to take back the life I left behind.

. . .

"Nightmare Anatomy?" She asked,

Stupid girl. Another girl I found who 'loved my band'. I nodded, running my tongue up her arms.

She shook her head, "I thought it was Three Cheers…"

I stopped her right there. "Look, that’s really not funny."

"I'm sorry, I thought you were,"

I sighed, she thought I was him, Gerard Way. I lost my appetite. I got up from the bed and walked out of the room. Its not that I hate him, not at all, I really like My Chemical Romance. Can't say I've ever met the guy. We are two very different people.

I left the guys in the bus and went out for a walk. I was frustrated. Hungry. And then I spotted her, another nameless body. I watched her from the shadows. I watched her heart beat counting the flow, imagining the taste. She would be a sufficient meal.
I walked behind her, keeping my distance. She turned into the dark alley as if she was leading me on, I grinned in the darkness allowing my white teeth to glisten in the moonlight. She never knew I was there until she was gasping for her last breath.
Her blood trickling down my throat, Ecstasy. I drained her and dropped her corpse on the floor. There was no point in making her a vampire. She was cattle.

I found my way back to our tour bus. The sun would be up soon, there was no reason for me to stay awake. The next night when I awoke Nick and Angel informed me that we had been nominated for an award, and that we should go to the ceremony. It was a week away.

We had a show in an hour. All of my songs were written about a life I don’t remember. The fans felt they were connecting with us by being at our shows. I felt empty. I loved to be on stage, but lately I had lost my passion for it. I needed to feel the fire. I was loosing my passion for everything. I might have never made it through the week if I hadn't of met him.