Status: Active :) All chapters are already written up.

Mansions to Maths Class

Like most stories, this one started with a boy.

But before you flick away, thinking this is just some average cliché teenage romance story in which the main character falls hopelessly in love with some gorgeous young Romeo, let me continue.

This boy was not your average teenager.

His name was Daemon. Daemon Tybalt “I’m so freaking perfect” Everwood. He was loved by everyone. Everyone but Lucifer and I.

Daemon was also my brother. My stupid annoying, perfect, suck up, big brother.
In case you couldn’t tell, and need me to spell the obvious out for you, we don’t really get along.

I do, however have a brother I like. He’s my twin, elder by seven minutes, and pretty damn awesome. His name is Lucifer Demetrius Everwood.

Yes, before you ask, all the children in my family have middle names that are characters in Shakespeare’s plays. Daemon Tybalt Everwood, Lucifer Demetrius Everwood, and Bellatrix Desdemona Everwood. That last one’s me.

Anyway, like I said, Luc and I do not particularly like Daemon. He’s an annoying prick that our parents, Esmeree and Mortis, love. He’s the eldest, being nineteen long winters old, and by the way our parents rave about him, pretty much perfect. Seriously, just listening to them talk, you would think he’s the Greek god of perfection or something. But honestly, he’s not. He’s a jerk. He always makes Luc and I look like complete and utter idiots, and if that wasn’t enough reason to hate him, he just has to always act so freaking full of himself.
So anyway, like I mentioned before, this story starts because of Daemon and his stupid party.

Daemon had a fairly low position in the government, as the Minister of minority groups’ secretary and personal assistant. However, that was all about to change, Daemon was sure of it.

He set out to prove to his superior just how high class he and his family were by inviting his boss and his family over to our gothic mansion for a lavish dinner. It was so obvious Daemon was trying to impress Mr. Hawthorne (his boss) and hence receive a promotion to a much more desired position in the department.

It was a pretty good plan. Those social climbers were pretty easy to impress. All you needed was a luxurious mansion, a staff of maids, butlers, evil scientists, napkin folders, silver polishers etc, and a truck load of cash. We had a surplus of them all, so really, the task of throwing a simple, impressing dinner was no daunting task. It was almost too easy, but by the way Daemon went about fussing over all the minute details, one would think he was planning a freaking ball for the queen. Daemon liked to over react, he's just a bit of a drama queen.

So anyway, while Daemon was busy be a boring little freak, Luc and I decided to spice things up a little. You know, a bit of harmless fun. For us that is. Daemon was not going to like this, and that just made it a hell of a lot more enjoyable.