Just A Little Too Late.

Just A Little Too Late I/I

I couldn’t breathe. My lungs felt tight and constricted. I needed to stop and take a few breaths but I knew I couldn’t. I would be too late; I was already late as is. I didn’t have anymore time to waste. It would have been much easier if I just took my car but once I heard the news I took off running. I didn’t care, all I knew was that I had to get there, and quick. I’ve ran far distances before, but not for this long. I have no idea what possessed me to think that I could have made it if I ran. It was too damn far, but I couldn’t stop now. I was already so close.

My feet felt as heavy as lead as they pounded on the hard concrete floor. Each step sending a spasm up my leg. My legs protested but I couldn’t stop. Not now. I couldn’t risk it. Time was running out. I’d lose her if I wasn’t careful. All I could think about was reaching the church. All I heard was the hammering of my heart. All I could see was her face. Everything else was just a blur; the trees, people, cars, and houses. Everything.

I wasn’t about to let her go. Not to him. He didn’t love her like I did. No one did. She was my world. My best friend. He didn’t deserve her. He didn’t understand her. Not like I did. I was such an idiot for letting her go. He doesn't see the way she bit her lip when she was lying about something, or the way her eyes gloss over when she was sad, or the way she'd wring her hands when she was nervous, or the way she'd crinkle her nose when she disliked something, or the way her smile would reach her eyes when she was laughing, or why she brushes her hair before she goes to bed every night because it's something her grandmother did for her before she passed. He doesn't know shit about her. I did. I was there for her through everything. I was the shoulder she used to cry on when she need a friend. I loved her, and I know she loved me back.

My shirt was soaked from all the sweat making it extremely uncomfortable. And I could barely breathe. But I had to reach the church in time, I lost her once, I wasn’t going to lose her again. Not without fight.

Welcome to New Brunswick! I smiled to myself as I saw the huge sign leading to town.

“I’m almost there, Lisa. Just hold on. I’m coming.” I was such an idiot for letting her go, but not this time. She wasn’t going to slip through my fingers, not again. I pushed myself harder. I wouldn’t let her go. I finally turned the last corner. I could spot the church at the end of the block. There were many cars lining up to the church. And the limo was already outside waiting for them. I ran up the steps and busted open the doors. They slammed against the wall, making the sound echo throughout the church. The loud sound was so sudden and unexpected that I could hear the guests' startled gasps.

“Stop!” I shouted. All eyes were on me now but I didn’t care. I made it. I sighed in relief, panting heavily. My side was killing me and I leaned against the banister for support. I could see her at the end of the aisle. And she was by far the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on. I looked at her from head to toe not getting enough of her. She just stared at me with her mouth gaped open. I smiled at her. She was wearing a sleeveless dress that was fitted on her torso, and from the waist down, the dress puffed out. Her make up highlighted her best features. And her hair was styled up in curls, with small flowers in it. She looked absolutely beautiful.

“What the hell is going on here?” Her fiancée asked, outraged.

“Joshua, what... what are you… you doing here?” She stammered still staring at me in shock.

"Do you know him?" Lisa nodded as a response not taking her eyes off me.

“Who the hell is he then, Lisa?” He asked her.

“An old friend of mine.”

“I couldn’t let you go through with this. I got here in time. I made it. Don’t do it, Lisa. I love you, I love you so much. And I’m so sorry; I shouldn’t have let you go. I was stupid and ignorant. I didn’t know what I had until you left me. I realize what a huge jerk I was for letting you go, but not this time. I promise I will never ever leave your side. I want to wake up seeing you lying beside me, I want to be married to you, I want to be the one to hold you and kiss you whenever I want just because I can, I want to be the father of your children, I want to grow old with you, and be the one in the rocking chair beside you when we are old and gray.” I said, err… more like panted since I was still out of breath while I walked up to her.

“Don’t do this. Come with me, be with me.” I pleaded, I reached my hand out to her, waiting for her to take it.

“I’m sorry, Josh. I’m getting married to Nick.” My hand fell limply to my side. Disappointment filled my face.

“Lisa, you can't do this.”

“I’m so very sorry, but you’re just too late. I love him, Josh.” Her lip quivered and she turned her face. I walked up to her and grabbed her face, kissing her hard crushing her soft lips to mine. She wiggled under me.

“Security!” I heard the pig shout from beside me.

“Lisa, don’t you love me?” I whispered softly to her.

“I did…” Two pairs of arms grabbed me and started dragging me out of the church.

“Get off of me! Lisa! Don’t do this! please! I love you and I know you love me back. Don’t deny it! Lisa! Meet me at the place we first met, I’ll be waiting for you!” They threw me outside and I fell onto the floor. They walked back inside and I could hear them locking the church's doors. Fuck. I dusted my self off and walked off. She'll show. She has too. She won't leave me for him. I walked over

I laid on the hood of my car at the top of the mountain waiting for Lisa to show. It was already 12 o’clock and she wasn’t here. Another hour passed. And then another. And then another. And then another. I sat up and slid off my car. She wasn’t going to show, she really wasn’t. Just as I was about to enter my car I heard a rustling behind me. She showed.


I whirled around to see a white rabbit popping out of a bush. My heart dropped. I could feel the tears burning behind my eyelids until I couldn’t hold them back anymore. So, I got into my car and wept over the fact that I lost the love of my life to another man because I was so stupid and ignored my feelings.

"Well, I hope the bitch is happy with that douche bag."
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