Saving Viola


Viola's P.O.V
I curled up on my bed, I'd asked not to see anyone. I didn't want to see anyone. I felt drained, exhausted, empty. Surely saying everything should've made me feel better, lighter, happier even?
But I didn't.
Dad was in the other room being questioned.
I just wanted to sleep, blissful relief, shutting everything out.
Suddenly my dad walked in with two social workers, a man and a woman. Their name badge stated that their names were Mikey and Lynne.
"Viola, your father denies the accusations you've made against him." Stated the one called Lynne, her voice gentle.
I shoved my face into my pillow.
"Well he would, wouldn't he?" I mumbled into my pillow. Maybe she heard me, maybe she didn't. It seemed to them I was nothing but a drugged up, compulsive liar. There was no hope for me.
"When you're discharged from hospital we're going to conduct a thorough investigation of your home and see if we can find some evidence to back up the claims you've made," Lynne continued, putting a hand on my shoulder.
I smiled into my pillow, said smile melted away when I looked round and saw my dad with a scheming look on his face. Of course there was no way it was going to be that easy...
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Totally lost my inspiration for this, I know what's going to happen but I don't know how to get there :\.
Anyone want to co-write?