Saving Viola

An Education

I'd never liked school. I didn't have friends, I wasn't in a "group". School to me was school, an education, my ticket to freedom.

I sat down and ignored the usual tirade of whispers & pointing.
"Whore!" A voice hissed behind me. I smirked, no-one could prove anything without being branded a pervert, that was my defense.

About 20 minutes into first class a piece of paper hit the back of my head and landed at my feet. I ignored it.

A couple of seconds later the piece of paper was back, this time landing on my notebook. I sighed and opened it up expecting the usual "slut" jibe, or maybe something interesting and imaginative like "prozzie", perhaps accompanied with an explicit drawing.
What was on the paper was something entirely different from what i was expecting.
Hi, it's Fletcher, we don't speak often and i doubt you even know who i am but i was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch today? I'll buy :)
I looked behind me and saw a cute guy I vaguely recognized waving at me. I smiled awkwardly and waggled my fingers back at him while nodding.

Suddenly a shadow fell over me and I heard the teacher's voice.
"So what's this?" He asked, picking up the paper and reading it through with a smirk. "Well I'm sure you and Mr. Knight can enjoy your lunch together in my office, Detention!" He snapped and walked back to the front of class, pocketing the paper.
I went red and ducked back down to do my work, though not before turning round, smiling apologetically and Fletcher and mouthing "meet me after class".
He had nodded.

After class Fletcher left the room before me. I frowned with confusion, he had been supposed to wait.
It must've been a set up...
I walked out of the classroom with my head down and was rather shocked when a hand pulled me towards the underneath of the stairwell, I look up, bewildered, it was Fletcher.
"So, is lunch in the detention room okay or shall we take a rain check?" He asked, smiling.
I looked at him and suddenly was overcome with the urge to be daring.
"Let's skip," I giggled devilishly.
"Sounds good to me," he replied with a smirk.
There was something about him that made me want to be... Bad.
♠ ♠ ♠
So watcha think? :3.
Opinions on Fletcher?
Sorry i haven't updated in ages i was at my mums in dubai and she has no internet, then i came down with a shit case of writers block! but i have a load of prewritten stuff i'm now holding hostage! y'all better comment!!
HTML fail! how do you put in bolds or italics?
That's all my lovelies :3