Saving Viola

One Pill Too Many..?

I grabbed Fletcher's hand, leading him towards the football field where I knew of a little known back exit out of the school, about halfway across the field Fletcher stopped with a confused expression on his face.
"isn't the gap in the fence on the other side of school?" He asked, bemused.
"The gap has security camera's round it, my way's a lot more sneaky," I answered smiling.
Fletcher stared at me.
"How do you know about the cameras?!" He cried.
"I was... Around when they put them up." I replied quietly. I'd tried to run away from home and on my way to the woods I'd passed the fencing as they were putting up the cameras.
Fletcher said no more and allowed me to lead him to a small gap in the hedge.
I wriggled though with Fletcher right behind me, when we got through I turned round and burst out laughing, his hair was full of leaves! He looked a little confused but he gently ran his hand through my hair and said, "you've got a little, something.. In your hair.."
I laughed even harder and replied, "so do you!"
"Shit!!!" Fletcher clawed desperately at his usually perfect hair while I doubled over with laughter. Once we'd both finally got all the crap out of our hair we started to walk to town.


Fletcher's POV.

I approached the table where Viola had sat down carrying 2 trays of food, hers was heavier than I thought it'd be, how did she stay so damn skinny?!
I sat down and pushed her tray across the table to her, she grabbed a french fry and began to eat, smiling shyly at me. I got out my veggie burger and took a bite, savoring the unique taste.
"So, why did you decide to ask ME out?" Viola asked about 5 minutes into lunch.
"Well um, you're pretty," I started, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks. "And you're not like the other girls in this school."
"How so?" She inquired, tilting her head to one side, god did she look cute when she did that!
"You're intelligent and witty, you don't care what people think, you don't cake your make up on.. Oh and, you're not a whore!" I laughed.
She froze.
I wondered what I had said, she'd been smiling up til then! She stood up abruptly and walked quickly out of the restaurant. I stayed in my seat, bewildered.
Um... What just happened?

Viola's POV.

I walked out of the restaurant as fast as possible, what Fletcher said seriously got to me. He didn't know the half of it... And if he did... I sighed. How could he? How could anyone possibly understand... One day soon I would die.. When my father finally pushed me too hard, gave me one pill too many, I would die alone without ever knowing the feeling of being truly in love...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I decided not to be mean anymore but seriously guys! Comment! D:
I feel so lonely without them :(.
I refuse to update til I get at least one ¬.¬.
And the next chapter is good!
I broke up with my boyfriend a couple of days ago and he's back with his ex. Sighingface. :\