Saving Viola

Home Again, Home Again

Viola's POV

I was late getting home. I crept round the back to the kitchen door, hoping to sneak in unnoticed, unfortunately my father's bitch was lying in wait for me. As I walked in the door she grabbed my arm, I gave a cry as she dug her talons in.
"I found it!" She screeched, presumably at my father. He stumbled into the kitchen with a face like thunder and a bottle in his hand. I winced , hopefully I could find a way for him to put it down before it got smashed over my head...
"Where the fuck 'ave you been?!" He demanded, moving closer to me, the stench surrounding him made me gag.
"Out," I replied meekly, looking at the floor.
He grabbed my face in his hands and jerked my head upwards.
"Not good enough!" He growled.
He raised his fist, I panicked.
Kicking out at my dad's "girlfriend" I twisted free of her grasp, running out of the room and to the front door, and grabbed the handle. It was locked.
I gave a scream as I heard his heavy footsteps approaching and I ran up the stairs, surely there was somewhere in this house of horrors I could hide?
I ran into a room that looked deserted and stopped.
It was a nursery. And there were pictures of my mother. My mother that my father had told me hated me and that I was better off not knowing. Yet in these pictures she was holding a child that could only be me, with a look on her face that I could only assume was pure love.
What had happened?

I heard footsteps and saw my father come in, he looked around and the rage in his eyes deepened.
The bottle hit me hard and I crumpled to the ground.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cus Callum blackmailed me :(.