Saving Viola


Viola's P.O.V.
I sat up, swaying slightly. Groaning I put my hand to the side of my pounding head, withdrawing it quickly after feeling a sticky, clumped up mass of hair there; looking at my hand I saw it was covered in partly congealed blood. I felt bile rise in my throat and retched, my vomit mixing in with the blood on the floor.

I staggered down the hall to my room, my head pounding, feeling dizzy and, somewhat exhausted. After undressing I practically fell into the shower and turned the water on with shaking hands. The warm water flowed over me easing my aching joints and washing the blood from my hair and face.
I couldn't wash my hair, it would hurt too much, so I just used the body wash. When I was done I went into my room and looked at the clock, 7am. Hmm, I could still go to school... I got dressed and headed out the door, shoving a beanie on my head to cover the wound.

I got to first class, everything seemed to be spinning... Were there TWO Ms. Walkers? I wasn't sure... Then I felt darkness pricking at the corners of my vision and everything went black...

Fletcher's P.O.V.
I walked into class, hoping to be able to ask Viola what had happened yesterday, and apologize, when I got there I saw a small crowd of people gathered round the desk where Viola usually sat, I hurried over, pushing people out of the way and ignore the rude comments I got in return.
There she was, on the floor, probably half conscious with a nasty looking gash on the side of her head.
"Phone the Emergency Services!" I yelled, panicking, I knelt by her side and grabbed her hand,
"Viola, it's Fletcher, stay with me," I said, trying to stay calm. My voice shook.
About 10 minutes later the paramedics arrived and took her away on a stretcher, I begged to be allowed on the ambulance but the paramedics shook their heads.

I walked into the hospital's main reception shivering slightly, I hated hospitals with a passion. walked up to the front desk, the woman smiled at me.
"Can I help you sir?"
I walked to the front desk, my hand engulfed in my father's fingers.
"Can I help you?" The receptionist asked, smiling down at me.
"We're looking for Mina Knight," my father replied, his voice on the verge of tears. I didn't know what had happened to my mum. Dad said it had something to do with bad medicine... I wondered why my mum had taken it? Did she know it was bad?
"3rd floor, 2nd ward," said the receptionist after she'd checked her computer.
"Thank you." My father said, and he pulled me towards the elevator.
We arrived at mum's ward and I saw her lying on a bed, she was connected to tubes and wires and screens, it was scary... I shrank back a little, hiding behind my father.
"Come on son, no need to be scared." He said, pushing me gently towards her bed.
I walked over to her and sat on one of the chairs....

"Sir?!" Repeated the receptionist, her smile fading slightly.
"Sorry!" I said, shaking my head slightly.
"How can I help you sir?" She asked again, her smile back on full power.
"I'm looking for Viola Evans..?" I said.
"Oh she's on the 3rd floor, 2nd ward." The receptionist replied.
I froze.
"But that's the substance abuse and poisoning level, the most she would've had is a concussion!" I protested, confused... Maybe they'd changed the layout since I was last here...
"They found traces of cocaine in Ms. Evans' system." The receptionist replied, her expression was solemn.
♠ ♠ ♠
Italics are memories...
Oooooh so what happened with Fletcher's mum?!
I need at least 3 comments before you find out :P

Thank you to my first comment from someone i DON'T know irl :L

Has Viola been found out?! :o